“You Can Count On Me “: The 5 Magic Words

“You can count on me” are five words that give us courage when we are going crazy. In this article, we will talk more about these valuable words.

Some people can be true heroes when faced with an emergency. They are the ones who say, ” You can count on me ” and are always there for you. They are wonderful people who offer you company and security.

Sometimes you need them and sometimes you are more independent, even though you always like to have their support. But what role are they really playing in your life? We will take a closer look at this in this article. In addition, we take a closer look at what these people are like and what current research says about them.

How are the people who say, “You can count on me”?

All people are unique. Those who say, “You can count on me,” are always there for you when you need them. Although they are not always physically present, they still give you their support and they can help you when you need it.

But just because we can count on a person, does not mean they are always there in physical form. There is no one who can be with you all the time. But they can help you in many different ways, regardless of the distance.

Some people could give you more time in your relationship with them. But even though they support you, they also respect that you need space. In other words, they set boundaries. Professionals do the same – for example, a counselor or therapist. Even though their job is to help you, they also need to think about themselves.

There are also others who are really there for you when you need them. This can be extremely beneficial, but it can also be very exhausting for the person giving you their time. This is because they sacrifice their own need to be there for you. 

The importance of having people who say, “You can count on me”

Sometimes you may think that it is not important to have the support of others. But it is. In fact, lack of support from others can directly affect your health. 

Even if you have the opportunity to refuse the help of others, this does not necessarily mean that their help is not for your benefit. You may refuse to accept their help because of other things.

It could be, for example, because you are ashamed or because you are afraid of making yourself vulnerable. But once you have their support, it can significantly improve your quality of life.

Humans develop in different areas, including psychosocial areas. This area has to do with the bonds we attach to other people. This is important because, among other things, it allows you to have greater security, a sense of security, develop empathy, express your feelings and motivate yourself.

Furthermore, the amount of your psychosocial satisfaction affects other aspects of your development: Physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual. For this reason, it can really improve your well-being when you have people in your life who say, “You can count on me.”

But not everyone who says this to you will have a positive impact on your life. The important people are the ones with whom you can develop healthy relationships, who give you support and love, while respecting the boundaries you set.

Why does research highlight this kind of support?

Health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” by the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, it will surely improve your well-being when you have people in your life who can give you this support.

Several researchers are currently researching this, including Nunes Baptista, Rigotto, Ferrari Cardoso and Marín Rueda, who have published an article in which they suggest that there are differences in the perception of support from friends and family support among men and women. Thereby, it affects a person’s sense of well-being and it can be associated with self-perception.

Other studies focus on health and its relationships with the support of friends. Lemos Giráldez and Fernández Hermida talk about this topic in their article, which has been published in the journal Psichotema .

In this article, they examine the impact of social support on health and they suggest that it may be crucial in the development of some diseases. 

Do not be afraid to ask for help

It is always positive to have someone who can help you, especially when you need it. It does not make you worth less when you ask others for help. It should not affect your pride at all. In fact, in many cases it is an exercise in intelligence and courage.

Furthermore, you should offer your support to someone who cannot see a way out of a problem. You will be glad that you were able to help them move forward in life. It can change a person’s perspective when helping them.

Your words, a hug, or other actions can shed light on someone who feels he or she is stuck in a dark hole. It can all start with a simple phrase: “You can count on me”.

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