To Be An Only Child: A Burden Or A Privilege?

Being an only child: a burden or a privilege?

The topic of only children contains major controversies. Especially in recent years, many couples have come around the world who no longer want more than one child. It is true that siblings are a wonderful gift in the life of every human being. But it is also true that mothers and fathers have many roles and may not feel able to dedicate the many years that it takes to raise more children. 

Once upon a time, having a large family was an undeniable advantage. Mothers stayed at home and took most of the responsibility for the children. But in the 21st century, things are very different. Most parents will have to work. Therefore, they can only spend part of their time raising their children. Sometimes a small part.

New couples are also much less stable and they have less support from their extended family. It is normal in these times that the oldest child ends up raising the youngest. It is also normal for all children to be raised by someone outside the family. And this person does not always guarantee a good upbringing and education. And in any case, they can never replace the true parents of the child. 

The benefits of being an only child

Being an only child is without a doubt an advantage. However, they have a reputation for being selfish and whimsical, but the truth is that they are not necessarily that way.  If they are brought up properly, then they will mature and grow in a healthy way. There are various factors that fall in their favor:

  •  An only child gets more attention from his parents. They do not have to share their time and worries between several children. Therefore, they can better perform their work as parents. The special attention almost always gives the child a greater self-confidence and a better self-esteem.
  • They often have a faster intellectual development. Since an only child interacts most with adults, especially in their early years, it is normal for them to have a faster language and mental development than other children.
  • People who were only children are almost always more organized and responsible. Since they do not live with other children, they are likely to get their sense of order and work ethic from their parents. They often know how to perform their duties and make sure to keep their things organized.
  • Only children know how to adjust to being alone, and they develop hobbies that require intellectual work. Being alone is only negative when it means lack of support and understanding. Instead, it can be very positive when it means getting to know yourself better and becoming more independent. It is not uncommon for only children to develop an interest in reading. Or for painting or for other activities that they can perform themselves.

The disadvantages of being an only child

Although being an only child gives parents more time for dedication and greater financial security, it can lead to some difficulties. Siblings take a lot of attention and contribute to rivalry, but they also give the child valuable learning in relation to maturity. So these are some of the disadvantages of not having siblings: 

  • An only child is often more self-absorbed. They have a hard time understanding that everyone has their turn in a game. They do not understand that everything they do is not celebrated by their parents. Sometimes it is difficult for them to adapt in groups.
  • Sometimes they grow up way too fast. This would not be negative if it were not for the fact that by maturing so quickly, they also diminish their spontaneity. This means that they become less happy. It’s hard for them to be ‘silly’. Adults enjoy this, but it may well mean that the child is growing up too square.
  • They struggle to be generous. It is normal for them that everyone handles their own problems and needs. It is difficult for them to share what they have, in terms of material things as well as emotional. They do not open up easily to others.
  • Only children can be booked because they do not share their experiences with like-minded people in the home. They may trust their parents a lot, but this can never replace the complementary and close relationship one can have with a sibling. Therefore, they can be a little reserved and removed. It is also possible that they are not good at resolving conflicts.

One must remember to enjoy being an only child

Only children as well as children with siblings can only mature in a healthy way if they get a good upbringing. When it comes to only children, it is important that parents understand that they need to handle the situation in such a way that their child can share and interact with other children their age.

It is also important that parents do not overprotect their child or control it in a strict way. In this way, the child can enjoy the benefits of being an only child. It will also reduce the chance that they will experience the disadvantages.

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