Nobody Knows Who They Are Until They Discover What They Can Do

No one knows who they are until they discover what they can do

When you finally discover what lies behind the boundaries of fear, behind  “you can not do it”  or  “you do not know”  as we all feel, nothing can stop you. For the adventure of being yourself in a world that every day strives not to let you achieve it is without a doubt the greatest success.

If you think about it, you will understand that we live in a society that runs on stickers. It is a harmful mechanism used to classify people, limit them, and turn them from their own essence. Their own identity. The worst thing about this is that it is something we experience every day in schools, work environments and even in our family.

We must free ourselves from the “wounds” of these marks and abilities that others have created for us. In order to discover what we are and touch the greatness that hides within us, it is important that we dare. We must break down the walls of fear and determination.

For the joy of being oneself does not arise by itself. It’s a constant battle.  A path you constantly create, and go a little beyond the line of fear every day.

When you discover that you have the power to decide

“To be happy, you have to make decisions.”  You have probably heard this phrase more than once, but do we really use it in practice? To better understand this aspect, let’s remember a scene from Alice in Wonderland  by Lewis Carroll. We are sure it will make you reflect.

At one point, Alice asks the cat the following question:  “Can you please tell me which path I should take to get out of here?” To which the cat responds:  “It depends on where you want to go.” “The truth is, it does not really matter,”  Alice replies. And the cat says,  “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

What do we learn from this?

In order to be ourselves, we must be consistent with the decisions we make. For in a world full of limitless possibilities, you must be aware of your priorities.  If you are not, you will probably be lost.

In order to achieve this, it is worth using the following mechanisms:

  • The expectations that others have of us usually determine the paths we choose to take. They take over parts of our lives until they leave us voiceless. Do not allow it. Discover what your priorities are and fight for them. You can and should decide for yourself.
  • Saying “no” to others when we think it is necessary is not selfish.  It is an act rooted in self-respect. The person who discovers the value in saying “no” becomes free from a great deal of weight.
  • If you do not yet know what your path in life is, look at your values ​​(your own and no one else’s) and listen to your heart (only your own, no one else’s).  The words they reveal will act as a compass on the personal map of your daily life.

Everything you are capable of

We spend a large part of our lives surrounded by judgments of value. Those who let us “fall free” at our work, in circles of friends and even our relationships. We must not forget our families either. Fathers and mothers who put labels on their children and program their future according to certain value provisions, which are not always correct.

Later, we enter a complex world of education, where we are judged on our grades and performance, but never on the inner world, which transcends the established structures.  Those who tell us what to do according to what is expected of us. Because if you got a 7 in math, you might as well forget about becoming an engineer.

Many of us grow up attaching great importance to the opinions of others. Therefore  , we slowly create defensive barriers and a security zone to settle in.  We do this to be able to follow the parameters that others have created for us.

Carl R. Rogers, an acclaimed humanistic psychologist, indicated that  there is nothing more frustrating than trying to become what others expect and not becoming what you want to be. It is this vital inconsistency that weighs us down and shuts us down. Therefore, it is worth thinking for a moment about the following ideas.

No one discovers who they are until they notice everything. But for this to happen, you have to create your own possibilities. You must dare to change scenarios, test yourself and discover how far you can go.

Josh Billing was a well-known 19th-century comedian and writer. He used to recommend the following:  “be like a seal. Hold on to something and do not stop until you reach your destination. ”

This is what we should do for ourselves. So do not forget to turn on your self-confidence, explore every corner of your soul to  remember your dreams and above all pay more attention to your needs.

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