Miracle Morning: The Routine That Will Help You Succeed

Starting the day right can affect the rest of your day. With the routine, Mirakel Morgen, you can ensure a more efficient day.
Miracle Morning: The routine that will help you succeed

Although there are many routines that can help us achieve success, one of the most effective Miracle Morning routine is. In this article, we look at what it consists of.

Most of us want to succeed. Maybe we want to improve our relationship with our partner. Or maybe we want more free time to do what we really like. Or perhaps our greatest desire is just to enjoy a healthy life.

Miracle Morning, also known as the SAVERS morning routine, was created by American author Hal Elrod. This author experienced something that changed his life completely.

After a car accident, his heart stopped for six minutes. Although he survived, he lay in a coma for six days. His condition was so critical that doctors thought he would never go again.

Against all odds, however, Elrod came to go again. From that moment on, he decided to dedicate his life to teaching others what he learned from his experience. His secret? For this writer, the key to success lies in having a proper morning routine.

An alarm clock is the start of Mirakel Morgen

What is Miracle Tomorrow?

This system encourages personal development based on the idea that the first hours of the day are fundamental to our well-being. How we use them will thus greatly affect the rest of our day.

For example, if we just get up and check our messages or email, it’s likely to be harder for us to focus on more important tasks.

On the other hand, spending the first few moments of our morning thinking about our goals will help us to live more fully. Therefore, the Miracle Morning routine is designed to get the most out of these hours.

Just follow the SAVERS method, which is actually an acronym:

  • S stands for silence.
  • A stands for confirmation .
  • V stands for visualization.
  • E stands for exercise.
  • R stands for reading .
  • S stands for writing.

According to Hal Elrod, performing these six activities will change your life completely as soon as you get up. To do so , he recommends getting up an hour earlier than usual. For many, of course, waking up early can be difficult. But if you are interested in trying Miracle Morning, you will find below a description of each of these activities.

1. Silence

The first thing Elrod recommends as soon as you get up is to immerse yourself in a completely calm environment. Silence allows you to orient yourself. To perform this step correctly, you need to spend your first five minutes of consciousness somewhere other than your bed. During this time you can meditate, practice deep breathing or reflect on what you want to achieve.

This way you lay the foundation which will help you get through the whole day well instead of waking up with worries.

Woman meditates as part of Miracle Morning

2. Confirmations

The second activity in the Miracle Morning routine should take you a maximum of five minutes. It’s about using affirmations to improve your self-esteem and feel good about yourself.

Affirmations are phrases that we repeat to ourselves for the purpose of changing our thinking. Their content is usually related to beliefs that we want to establish in our minds.

For example, we may continue to repeat to ourselves that we are capable of overcoming a particular difficulty in our lives. If we repeat it enough, this belief will eventually sink into our subconscious.

3. Visualization is an important part of Miracle Morning

This step is used in many types of therapy. The idea is to imagine yourself in the future when you have achieved everything you want. How are you feeling? What are you doing? What steps did you take to get there?

To visualize properly, you need to generate images that motivate you. However, they must also be credible situations. If you imagine something too complex, your brain will reject it. In fact, this can have the opposite effect and make you feel uncomfortable. But if you do it right, visualization for five minutes can change your life.

4. Training

If you could only perform one activity that Mirakel Morgen suggests, it should definitely be this one. Playing sports has many benefits for your physical and mental health.

A woman jogging

Most people say they do not exercise due to lack of time. This excuse is reasonable if you need to sign up for a gym, run an hour on the treadmill and hit the weight.

However, there are many other options. Instead of feeling like a hamster stuck on a wheel, why not practice yoga at home by following some video tutorials? If you are more into intense sports, you can always look for an intense workout routine to train your muscles at home.

5. Reading

Reading is one of the healthiest habits for our minds. For example, a survey shows that most CEOs of large international companies read an average of 50 books a year. Even if you do not have to go to these extremes, it can work wonders for you to integrate this habit into your morning routine.

The author of The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8 AM  recommends that we read about 20 minutes a day. Elrod calculates that you can read about 10 pages at that time. It may not seem like much, but if you do it every day, after a year you have read about 18 books on 200 pages.

It is also important to choose carefully what to read. If possible, choose something that inspires you and creates a positive mood. This way you will feel much more motivated the rest of the day.

6. Writing as part of Miracle Morning

Finally, Elrod recommends dedicating the last five minutes of your morning routine to writing your thoughts down in a personal diary. You can write your ideas, worries and dreams in it. Additionally, you can use it to evaluate your progress in different areas of your life.

A man who writes

Writing in a diary is something that we have all thought about doing at least once. However, few people actually do that. If you try it, you will notice that you become more focused on what you really want. In addition, it can help you remember both the good and bad things you have experienced.

Starting your day by getting the right leg out of bed creates positive energy for the rest of the day. In this article, you learned about Miracle Morning, which suggests six activities that can be added to your morning routine. The most important thing now is to take the first step. What should you start doing? Which of these steps catches your attention the most?

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