It’s Good For Mental Health To Have A Say

On a flight from New York to Portland in 1978, a staff member decided not to comment on any faults on the plane. He would not oppose the pilot and co-pilot. Unfortunately, it ended in a tragedy.
It is good for mental health to have its say

It does not stress us to agree with others or have other opinions,  as we are social beings who feel good when we are part of a group. Therefore, it can sometimes be scary to say one’s opinion. We will not be rejected, offend others or create instability in our environment.

But if we do not express our personal opinions, for fear that people will reject or keep us out, we are not true to ourselves. At the same time, it can lead to the stagnation of  a group or a society. A group cannot develop if all members always agree.

The world’s great breakthrough has been possible thanks to people who decided to raise their voices and have their say, even when others did not agree. If Martin Luther King had not expressed his views on racial discrimination, black rights would never be changed. Another good example is Nelson Mandela, and many others throughout history.

Saying your opinion is a sign of courage

It takes courage to express one’s opinion, especially when it contradicts the opinions of others. Man seeks mutual identification through agreement. Those who expose a group to danger are often excluded,  at least to begin with. Such rejection can range from less disapproving gestures to outright exclusion.

People with speech bubbles illustrate saying their opinion

Majorities always tend to take the lead, and when we express an opinion that challenges the majority’s, we put ourselves in the spotlight. And when we feel overwhelmed, we no doubt feel a psychological pressure. Therefore, you must be brave to express your opinion.

It’s  almost an instinctive reaction. Humans need other humans to survive. Your physical and mental survival depends on it, as it will be difficult to survive if you are completely alone. To go against the majority, reject that survival instinct. And it’s not easy.

Studies on the subject

In the 1950s, the American psychologist Solomon Asch conducted various experiments on peer pressure and its effects. He showed that it is very difficult to go against the majority.

In his experiments, undercover scientists forced wrong answers on others. The result? Less than 37% of the respondents preferred to go with the majority answer even if they thought they were wrong.

Solomon Asch is an American psychologist who has conducted experiments on peer pressure

Some years later, neuroeconomist Gregory Berns studied how the brain changes when a person isolates himself from the majority. He concluded that  disagreement increased activity in the tonsil nucleus, which processes emotions such as fear. However, those who went with the group showed lower stress levels.

The importance of disagreement

It is emotionally easier to adapt to a group than to express an opinion that goes against the majority. But if we all behave like sheep that only follow others, we would probably contribute to the consolidation of totalitarianism, and there would be no collective development.

Researcher Charlan Nemeth of the University of California, Berkeley has proven that a judge’s decisions were much fairer when one of the members disagreed with the majority. These disagreements often lead to reconsideration of facts and circumstances.

When a person questions the opinion of the majority, those who agree with it feel compelled to gather more evidence as a basis for their point of view. And that’s positive.

Man discusses with women and tries to say his opinion

It is important to say your opinion. You have to be true to yourself. You may be wrong about it, but it does not matter. The fundamental thing is to let your conscience guide you and demand your right to think differently.

As social creatures, it is important to listen to those who think differently and focus on the best arguments without thinking about how many people agree or disagree with you.

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