Epidemic Of Anxiety: A Silent Enemy In Everyday Life

Epidemic of anxiety: a silent enemy in everyday life

There are so many manifestations of anxiety and they are so often the cause of medical examinations that many experts have already categorized it as a true epidemic of anxiety. It is felt in a number of ways: sleep problems, panic attacks, a wide range of phobias, etc. What they all have in common is the insidious fear that strikes every day.

Against the background of this phenomenon, the health sector is already working on several answers. There is an important supply of medicine. On the one hand, there is the traditional kind: a whole army of anxiolytics developed in pharmaceutical laboratories, which promise to reduce your levels of anxiety. However, in addition to having terrible side effects, this medication usually has only temporary solutions. That is, their effect lasts only while you use them.

“More people drown in a glass of water than in rivers.”
–Georg Christoph Lichtenberg–

There is also a wide range of alternative medicine : “naturists”, homeopathic and bioenergetic solutions. That is, of course, without taking into account all the home remedies for anxiety: Valerian or Melissa water, bathing in hot water and all sorts of traditional tricks. But none of them seem to work properly.

An epidemic of anxiety occurs in the collective mind

All the phenomena that take place in the mind are reflected in the body. Most of the time it takes place in this order: first in the mind, then in the body . Only a certain low percentage of cases occur conversely: first in the body and then in the mind. This happens when, for example, you have a very high fever or have taken a substance that changes your perception, among other cases.

Person with small men working in the brain is plagued by epidemic of anxiety

Thus, the success of intervention with psychotropic drugs is limited. They reduce the symptoms. It is true. But they do not solve what causes it to begin. Medication of any kind should only be seen as a limited and temporary help, not as a definitive solution.

The true solution only appears if the real cause of anxiety is being attacked. The problem is, as many experts say,  that the present times, in their entirety, cause anxiety for many. Everything happens at dizzying speeds, and the psychological tools we have can not deal with reality at the same pace. Therefore, anxiety is not a single problem, but an authentic epidemic.

Why is it called a “silent” epidemic?

One of the most complex aspects of this epidemic of anxiety lies in the fact that it is very difficult to verbalize it. Every individual feels a daily turmoil inside that does not let them sleep. It makes them in a bad mood or makes them immerse themselves in tyrannical routines. But this person finds it very difficult to put into words what they are feeling.

Each person feels as if something is over, extra, in excess. A weight that they would like to get rid of, but which they can not seem to identify . “Where does that feeling of weight, profit come from? Where is this burden? Do I currently have the wrong job? Maybe the relationships I maintain are negative? Where should I orient my life towards to get better? “ … These are the questions that arise without invitation.

Woman with blurred face is plagued by epidemic of anxiety

It is as if their existence is completely overwhelmed by something that the person does not even need. The feeling is similar to the one you feel when you enter a cramped space, cluttered with unnecessary objects. You know you have to put things in order, but there is so much to organize that you can not even figure out where the end is.

From the epidemic to the individual

Science has placed great emphasis on designing generic or standardized solutions. Ultimately, this is its goal: unpacking universal solutions to specific problems. But in terms of human subjectivity, this type of influence tends to be very unfortunate . In the end, they do not solve anything.

That is why there is an epidemic of anxiety, and that is why it goes hand in hand with the silence that comes from the drama of each person’s personal life. The answer to this unrest can only be found by each person, for and by himself. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. There is no magic formula or universal equation that can be applied equally effectively to everyone. Everyone has to find their own way to solve their sleep problems, their feeling of oppression or suffocation, their recurring irritation…

Shadow of person with hands on window is plagued by epidemic of anxiety

Furthermore, each of us must understand that in order to resolve their anxiety, the first thing they need to do is confront it and face the cavity. It is imperative for you to break your bonds with the usual. It’s the only way to start clearing some space in the cluttered mental space. A therapy that releases your forms of expression is also a good alternative. As well as relaxation techniques that help open the window in your overwhelmed mind.

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