Fall In Love With My Dark Side And My Bad Mood

Fall in love with my dark side and my bad mood

Anyone can fall in love with my virtues and the parts of me that shine. But until now, no one has had the courage to fall in love with my dark side, with my abstract thoughts, my bad mood, my moments of overwhelming grief, my inner villain. Fall in love with me with my light and above all my darkness.

If you fall in love with my dark side, you will see who I really am, what I am afraid of, what worries me. You will be able to hug me when I shake. You will see over time that I am eternally contradictory and inconsistent, no matter how hard I try not to be. If you fall in love with all my skeletons, you will truly fall in love with me.

“One is not enlightened by imagining the divr of light, but by making darkness conscious.”
–Carl Jung–

When you discover my dark side

Discovering my dark side is just a matter of time. Sooner or later it will come out and you will see the worst of me, but do not be afraid; I’m just a girl who’s scared of stuffing her oversized adult shoes. Look at me intently, notice what annoys me, what attacks me, what I can not cope. This is what my dark side is made of, which you do not see at first glance.

Woman hugging moon

Fall in love with my madness

Fall in love with the madness that is in my mind, the crazy and irrational things I do every day without thinking about the consequences. We do not know which way is up and which way is down, but we will always see the stars. Everything will spin around us and nothing will be as it seems.

Fall in love with my immaturity, stubbornness, impatience

Sometimes I will behave like a small child, just parts sweet and whimsical, infinitely stubborn and impatient. Sometimes you will not be able to handle me. If you still want me, if you still look at me and fall in love with me, I will not stop hugging you and kissing you until you smile.

If I get mad and do not talk to you, it’s just because my biggest fear since childhood shows who I am so everyone can see. You need patience if you really want to know me, if you want to remove the veils I save, one by one.

You can not predict what I will do or say; you just have to look and smile. You do not know what my crazy side has hidden until you look me in the eye one day and see the deepest, darkest part of my being. And if you fall in love with my dark side, my wild unpredictable part of me, I will share my world and my madness with you.

Fall in love with my fears

When I feel scared, look at me and listen to me. You know what scares me, the things in life that scare me the most. I want to feel vulnerable. But I know you will keep my secrets and know how to protect them. H show you still in love with me when I’m scared, I can look at you and know that you will protect me. And you will be open about your fears, and we will meet them together, bravely.

“The people who truly love you love you in silence, with actions, not words.”
-Carlos Ruiz Zafón-

Fall in love with me

Gold glitter shows my dark side

Do not fall in love with the shiny, beautiful parts of me, because that is not what really matters. Anyone can see and fall in love with it. If you do not run away when you see all the bad parts of me, then I know you are really in love with me. The parts of me that shine are just an illusion to hide the bad things that no one stops to see. Look under the skin of my soul under the forgetfulness. Do not stop looking or being curious about who and what I am.

Every day, every tear I shed will contain a secret, another thread in the web of my life, that can help you understand my existence and find out my dark side, which is my torment and my passion . And every day you will see a small tear on my face. For my lips will bend to a smile. They show you how happy I am to have finally found you.

“Darkness does not exist. Darkness is really the lack of light. ”
–Albert Einstein–

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