Difficult Personalities: Can You Identify With One?

Troublesome personalities: can you identify with one?

Every day we discover new personalities that we have learned to deal with, even if we do not feel like it. Sometimes  people around us can turn out to be toxic people. And we have to decide if we want to let go of them or choose to be strong enough not to be influenced by their personality.

Today we will examine different types of troublesome personalities and what creates them. For example, who has not known someone who was hostile, or  the typical grumbler who complains about everything,  or of course a Wise-Åge?

Maybe you can identify with one of the personalities that you are going to read about. Or you may have come across a person with the following characteristics. Either way,  it is important to be aware of these personality traits. 

“I know everything.”

You have undoubtedly met someone at school or at work who is the typical Wise-Åge ; a person who brags about how they can easily get out of any difficult situation. In this personality type, there are two categories of people who believe or seem to believe that they know everything.

The first in this category is the person who does not really know anything or knows very little, but who  claims to be the smartest of all. 

The other is the person who is really intelligent and maybe knows almost everything, but whose zeal to be better than everyone else makes them selfish  and removes all their humility.

If you meet a Wise-Åge, then you know that they  tend to point out other people’s shortcomings and faults.  They also like to be right all the time. Moreover, they are constantly seeking recognition from other people.

This attitude often makes them seem silly, even if they appear confident.

People tend to keep Kloge-Åger at a distance because  it is humiliating when someone deliberately points out one’s mistakes.  And not just for oneself, but also for everyone else.

“I can not do anything right.”

The next type of troublesome personality is the one who sees everything in black or white. It is  as if a black rain cloud hangs over their world. They are the type of person who never sees the positive side of things. Instead, they only see the obstacles in their path.

Pessimism tends to go hand in hand with anger.  These people may be discouraged or sad, but often they will appear to be in a constant state of anger towards the world around them.

It is very important not to be overwhelmed by this type of personality, which can send us into deep despair and depression. They can make us see everything in a negative light.

If you have met this type of personality and you feel overwhelmed by their pessimism,  then surround yourself with people whose optimism seems endless. Only then will you be able to see the light after being immersed in such darkness.

“To be or not to be… that is the question.”

Do you consider yourself to be an indecisive person? Well, then you fit into this here personality, which has a very hard time making decisions.

Indecisive people  are very analytical, but also very afraid to take chances. Doubt always lurks in their minds and it prevents them from feeling confident in the choices they make in life.

If you are the type of person who always chooses not to say your opinion due to the fear of other people’s disapproving glances or always  doubts everything in the various aspects of your life,  then you are indecisive.

This can make it difficult for other people to trust you in certain situations  as they never know if you are sure of what you are saying. Whether you want to change your mind, or whether your doubts will make you go with the flow instead.

Do you know other troublesome personalities? What thoughts do you have about these? Whether we encounter these traits in other people or see them in ourselves, it is important to be aware that each has its advantages and disadvantages. It can help to  know the differences between them and be aware of how they can affect us.  

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