How To Stop Running Away From Emotions

This is how you can stop running away from emotions

Emotions have a voice. They talk to us and tell us how we feel. Emotions help us see what we need in every single moment. What happens if we choose to run away from emotions and ignore them? We can turn off their voices, but not their needs.

We live at a high pace. We are constantly going from one thing to another. And then we hear and say all the time things like “don’t worry”, “all you have to do is…”, “Forget it.” But all emotions have an adaptive function. So if we do not listen to them, they will be hidden away and will show up with more force when they need to come out again. And sometimes, unfortunately, they come in the least appropriate moments.

For example, sadness tells us to stop and be alone. That’s why we do not want to go out and be with other people. Joy, on the other hand, encourages us to go out and socialize. Disgust warns us of possible dangers to our body. And fear keeps us alert and protects us.

If we learn to listen and not run away from emotions, we will be able to understand what they are telling us. Thus, by being aware of them, we can get to know a part of us that has been hidden but has needs we do not meet.

What happens if we medicate our emotions?

All emotions are, in their proper measure, good and functional. However, the problem arises when they come to an unacceptable extreme or prevent you from living your life. This happens when we ignore them, suppress them, or list around them.

As we said before, emotions have a voice. What happens when we medicate functional emotions? We silence their voice. While we manage to shut them down, we miss what they are trying to tell us. If we learn to listen to them, they will do their job and then make room for other emotions.

Pills on table

Learning to listen and not run away from emotions

Living in harmony means opening our senses as we live in a society and we adapt as the social beings we are. But more than social beings, we are whole beings, so we need a well-formed, stable identity that fits into the external environment.

Emotions are a part of us, but they are not “us”. They come and go, some stay longer and others are only with us for a short time, after all. For better or worse, emotions are not eternal. Their temporary nature is part of what makes emotions what they are; otherwise we would be talking about an “emotional state” and not about an emotion.

From time to time, it would be a good idea to ask ourselves, how am I doing? What feeling can be here with me right now? This little question will help us understand the things that are happening to us and also connect us with our own emotions.

If I do not run away from emotions, I now have the ability to create a certain balance. To feel good. This balance is based on the idea that no emotion is harmful (in itself). It just says something about what’s going on inside.

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