It Should Be A Requirement To Tell This Story To Every Child In The World

It should be a requirement to tell this story to any child in the world

The boy who could is a story that we should tell all the children in the world . We say this because it has a really strong lesson: you have to fight to reach your personal goals and stop listening to any voices that are trying to kill your inspiration.

The self-published Spanish author Eloy Moreno adapted this folk tale, which we believe should be told to all children in the world . The boy who could is a strengthening story. It shows the reality of how we achieve our dreams and build them into our lives.

It also moves away from the annoying optimistic idea of ​​”you can do anything you set out to do.” The honest truth is that wanting to do something and being able to do it is not always the same. It is something we must understand in the beginning of childhood so that we do not fall into the trap of too high demands on ourselves.

Being able to look at your potential in a realistic way is how you build a healthy self-esteem. That is why it is so important to put “can” before “will”, and let the dreamy, magical desire to overcome push you forward.

It’s not because we want children to be perfect, because we do not want to encourage pride. What we want is for children to love themselves, trust themselves and believe in their potential. We want them to know that they are best when they are themselves.

children in adults.  The boy who could is a story that we should tell all children in the world.

A great story:  The boy who could

Two boys spent every morning skating a frozen lake. But then suddenly the ice broke and one of them fell into the water . The current pulled him a few feet away where he was under a piece of ice. The only way to save him was to break that ice.

His friend started shouting for help. When he saw that no one was coming, he quickly looked for a rock and started hitting the ice as hard as possible.

He hit it over and over and over again until he made a hole, reached his arm through, grabbed his friend and pulled him out . A few minutes later, firefighters arrived after neighbors heard the boy shouting and called them. When he told the firefighters what happened, they continued to wonder how such a little boy could have destroyed such a thick layer of ice.

“There is no way he could have done it with these hands. It’s impossible, he’s just not strong enough. How did he do that? “They said to each other.

An old man nearby came up to the firefighters when he heard them talking.

“I know how he did it, ” said the old man.

“How? “They replied in shock.

“No one was there to tell him he could not.”

child in balloon tells story

Children, dreams and our role in helping them build their self-esteem

There are two great pillars we lean on to develop and let our ability to overcome things run wild. In other words, when we are little, what other people are telling us is not just an obstacle or an inspiration. It is also what shapes our identity and our self-image.

As adults, we play a huge, crucial role when it comes to building children’s self-esteem. They are like mushrooms that absorb everything around them, including any messages we give them about life . All children are made of a fragile, innocent, delicate, dreamy and amazing material. They have sparkling minds that make their games dreams of creating and wanting to fulfill.

When you are around children, remember this: we are like their coaches. We are responsible for their fantasies, their desire to live life, their self-esteem and especially their identity.

As we all know, stories are one of the best ways to get messages out to children . You can use them to help children understand themselves, move through the world, learn values ​​and have new experiences. This story has a message about how important it is to develop an absolutely necessary quality of life: resilience.

When we say resilience, we mean toughness, perseverance in difficulty, and being in touch with yourself. Stop and think for a second about how important it can be for a child to hear this story and learn how to create a solid foundation for their inner castle.

Messages like the one in this story will help them create their own special, thoughtful wings . These kinds of messages also help them to experiment with their abilities and their interests. But most importantly, they help children develop their own strategies for self-management.

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