I Chose To Stop Waiting For Trains

I chose to stop waiting for trains

I have chosen to stop waiting for trains with my name on them. Gone are the days of shattered hopes and dreams that never come true. Because now it is me who makes the movement, me who creates the path.

Anyone who wants to go on this voyage of discovery with me is welcome. But if you do not want to, you can also get off at the next station.

Taking on this simple but courageous attitude will certainly be a good step in our personal growth and ever-changing emotional balance.

However, let’s face it, if there’s one thing we’re used to doing, it’s waiting. We fill our waiting time with desperate dreams and the chisel of perfection that is just unrealistic.

 “The occasion must be created. Do not wait for it to show up. ”
–Francis Bacon–

One important thing to note: It is society itself, with its sticky tentacles everywhere, that leads us to the waiting room.

Despite this, no one can take our position away. No one can steal the engine, the fire inside us.

So it does not matter if all the trains at first glance seem to be heading in the opposite direction. For you are firm and ready on your path, dreams and ideals. You have to stop waiting.

Moon behind bridge and sea

When the “wait” feels like our life is at a standstill

There are times when we feel like someone is pushing the pause button on our lives.

Maybe it’s not being in a relationship, being unemployed, having failed personally or being rejected professionally or emotionally.

These examples are the truth for many of us. They linger in the depths of our being until they immobilize us.

Now we must understand that life is never on pause. Life is constantly vibrating and sprouting and moving . But what stopped us was our spirit, our willpower and motivation.

Bernice Neugarten was one of the first psychologists to study adult development. She studied the complex periods in our life cycle where people really feel like their lives have stopped. Frozen in a gray, motionless, dull frame.

Neugarten established the theory of “Life on Hold” as a transition that we should all learn to face. But it can be hard to do that and stop waiting . The biggest problem lies in the fact that we often have a vision of the future that is too ambiguous, uncertain or even pessimistic.

Thoughts like “ my train is already running, I’m not going to find the right guy” or “it’s obvious, I’m not going to find a good job” . These betray a state of style that will prolong this phase of waiting even longer. It also makes the transition to something better even harder.

Woman at train station has chosen to stop waiting

How to leave the platform with dreams that never come true

We live in a world of ” come back tomorrow”, “I’ll call you”, “when you do this, you get it” . We live in eternal waiting rooms. Forever, we ask ourselves if the thing called happiness is a scam or maybe a win you win when you get enough points.

Trains pass, opportunities come and go, but none of them ever seem to have our name on them. How can we survive in this world, in the midst of this uncertainty scenario?

“To learn from yesterday, to live in the present, to have hope for tomorrow. The most important thing is to never stop questioning everything. ”
–Albert Einstein–

Then we will give you some simple things to reflect on.

Decide to stop waiting and hop on the train now

3 keys to stop waiting and get your life moving

  • The first key is simple : You need to be aware of your goals, your point on the horizon. However, it is good to make it a precise and realistic goal that suits your abilities. But never underestimate your potential.
  • The second aspect that Bernice Neugarten gives us in his theories of life transitions is the need to practice for our future every day. It is not enough to dream about it.

If I long to have a good partner, I will first take care of myself as a person, grow and become what I want to find in other people. If I strive to have a good job, I will invest daily in preparing professionally and mentally.

  • The third part of this plan is just as interesting. We need to feel like proactive, creative protagonists. We must stop feeling like subordinates to something or someone. If society does not have a place for me, I may be the one to create that place for myself.
  • Maybe I should invent something new, offer something new to the workforce. Maybe I should be the one train in motion, surrounded by infinity…

To conclude, someone once said that life is not just about escaping death, it is about enjoying our existence every day. It’s about not limiting ourselves to just breathing and letting things happen by themselves.

Let us be the engine of our own growth. Let’s stop waiting. Let us be active, hopeful and realistic but optimistic beings. Creatures with incredible power, capable of giving the world amazing things.

At the same time, let us create our own happiness that we truly deserve.

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