3 Amazing, Historical Love Stories

The story is full of special love stories. Some couples have chosen love over other great things, while other couples have had to divorce because some did not acknowledge their love.
3 amazing, historical love stories

Love always has a certain amount of magic, no matter where or when it happens. Your world is changing. Love makes it poetic. Love changes everyone it hits. It’s like you’ll get wings and suddenly be able to fly. As proof of love’s ability to enchant the human heart,  today we take a look at three of the most unforgettable historical love stories.

We get into unusual conditions. These people in love faced enormous obstacles and had to make a decision to overcome them or succumb. They remained loyal to love despite adversity. That way, they became historical love stories.

The story is full of special love stories. Today, we only address three of them. But they are absolutely amazing – they tell of brave people who stayed together in spite of everything. They are proof that love is an incredible force.

1. Manuela and Bolívar, one of the best historical love stories

Manuelita Sáenz was a person who had everything she could dream of. She came from a wealthy family and was married to a British man who loved her. She was young, beautiful and one of the most respected people in all of Quito.

On the day of the province’s independence, Manuela’s life changed forever. She put on nice clothes and went to the ball. There she met the man she came to love for the rest of her life: Simón Bolívar.

Manuela Sáenz and Simón Bolívar fell in love immediately

Manuela left her husband, her country and her money for  “El Libertador”. He also fell in love with her. He called her  “My sweet maniac”. She lived with him at the barracks and fought with the Creole army, which ended with a promotion to captain.

What, however, made this couple one of the greatest historical love stories was her brave actions in the so-called  Palmero conspiracy  in 1828.  Bolívar’s enemies tried to kill him. Manuela intervened with her sword. That gave Bolívar enough time to escape. Manuela went down in history as  “La Libertadora del Libertador” or  “Freedom Fighter’s Freedom Fighter” .

2. Abelard and Heloise

Abelard and Heloise is another of the greatest historical love stories. Peter Abelard was one of the wisest men of his time. He was a philosopher and a theologian, but that is not what he is known for today.

What made him famous was his turbulent relationship with Heloise. Heloise was considered one of the most enlightened women of her time. She had Abelard as a teacher when she was only 16 years old.

They fell in love with each other and she got pregnant, which was very unusual and not well-liked at the time. Abelard kidnapped her and took her to his sister’s house. There was  “Astrolabe”  born and left to the family.

Later, they ran away and got married so as not to ruin Abelard’s career. Heloise’s uncle and mentor reprimanded her for not publicly confirming the marriage. He even went so far as to beat her.

Abelard took Heloise to a convent to protect her from her uncle. The angry uncle castrated Abelard. The couple in love never saw each other again. But they never lost touch, thanks to their love letters. These letters represent some of the best literature in French history. Later, in the 19th century, the couple were reunited in a burial chamber in Paris.

3. Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

The love of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson is unforgettable. Their relationship became world famous when he  relinquished the English throne to marry her. It was very controversial. Many saw it as one of the most romantic gestures of the 20th century. Others saw it as a disaster.

The English people never forgave him for that decision. S great historical love stories sometimes clash with more practical things, like power.  It happened in 1936, and Europe was on the brink of war. Edward VIII had a reputation for being capricious and having a weak character. Churchill even said  Britain should thank Wallis Simpson for exempting the country from the terrible king  he would have become.

Edward, who was heir to the throne, was hopelessly in love with Simpson and gave up everything to be with her. What happened next was shocking. The couple lived a totally meaningless life.

They went from party to party and traveled a lot. They left unpaid bills everywhere they came. H un enjoyed humiliating him and he only fell in love more.  He resisted much, even her obvious infidelity.

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