Getting Through An Argument With A Partner

Learn how to get through a quarrel with a partner so you keep your relationship healthy, in this article!
Get through an argument with a partner

It is impossible to avoid conflicts in a relationship. After all, you are two very different individuals. But the problem is not that people quarrel. The problem is that many people do not know how to handle quarrels. Read on to learn why it’s important to know how to get through an argument with a partner. 

Relationships start in the infatuated stage. While you are in this, everything is beautiful. You are happy all the time. You’re having a great time. Nothing worries you and nothing can get you down. Everything you may not like about the other person will be overshadowed by your enthusiasm, and all you want is to be with the other person.

But this stage always comes to an end and it leads to a more stable and realistic stage. Through this study, you will truly begin to adapt to the relationship and discover that your partner is not perfect. Like any other human being, he or she also has his or her weaknesses.

How does an argument with a partner begin?

In addition to the fact that you are two different individuals and disagree on things, external factors (such as family, work, friends, money, etc.) also come into play. Of course, living together can also be a source of tension in a relationship.

Husband is arguing with a partner

Discussing once in a while is normal and necessary. It gives you a chance to express your feelings. It also helps to develop the relationship. If a couple never argues, it’s because one of the parties may feel insecure, and is too scared to express his or her opinion. On the other hand, it is also a huge problem if a couple discuss all the time.

You can use these discussions and quarrels to help improve your relationship. But you need to know how to get through an argument with a partner, by reaching agreements and finding a common ground. Read on to find out some strategies that may be able to help you do this.

How to get through an argument with a partner

Identify the problem and your feelings about it

Conflict is not always as much about the other person as it is about something that concerns you. Something happened that made you feel bad and you have to “shut it out” to someone. That person is then just your partner. Before you let this happen, do self-reflection and find out why you feel the way you do.

You need to know how to express your feelings

Once you have figured out why you are feeling a certain way, you need to know how to express your feelings. Replace accusations with personal attitudes. Instead of saying; “I can not believe you did not do this”, you should say; “It makes me frustrated when you do not do this.”

People respond in a much better way when you do not blame them, or accuse them of things. So, explaining to them how you feel about something  will help them understand, empathize with you,  and find a positive solution to the conflict.

couple looking each other in the eyes and holding hands

Do not be carried away by anger, and never become disrespectful

If you are going through pain, or going through a hard period, your emotions can get a good grip on you. Through these times,  your emotions can take over if you do not use strategies for self-control. They make you unempathetic and make you let it go over your loved ones and hurt them. It will only make things worse.

Honestly, it’s better to just go for a walk, sing, dance, work out or do something that calms you down. Next, you can come back and deal with the problem with more peace of mind. 

Open up for dialogue and reach agreement

You can only reach an agreement if you open up a  constructive dialogue with your partner  and calmly explain your problems. It will improve your relationship, and help both of you grow.

Ignoring your pride,  developing empathy and impact, and learning how to get through an argument with a partner are essential parts of maintaining a healthy relationship with the person you love so much.

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