Explosive Anger Is A Sign Of Something Serious

If you often run into a spike and have cases of explosive anger, then you are not just in a bad mood. Frequent explosive anger needs to be addressed.
Explosive anger is a sign of something serious

We can all get up in the red box at least once in our lives. You know the feeling. Anger takes over your thoughts, your speech and your actions. You do not feel you have control over yourself. Did you know that there is a psychological reason to feel this way? In the moments when you are hit by explosive anger, there is a temporary loss of consciousness.

Your brain gets stuck on having to deliver an attack. You feel an overwhelming urge to do some kind of harm.

When you get up in the red box, the brain basically shuts down and the monster inside you emerges. It is a wild side that man has not completely laid down. Many people manage to control their instincts and they only get out there if they are in quite extreme cases. Others completely lose their temper every time someone disagrees with them.

If you often lose your temper, is it just a side of your personality? Do some people just have a harder time controlling your anger? We all know some who are more emotional than others. But to what extent is this type of behavior normal? When is it a sign of some kind of illness?

Explosive anger

Anger comes from two basic sources. One is fear in some form (common fear, anxiety and panic among others.) The other is frustration. Maybe you are not feeling so good about yourself, you are not reaching your goals or things are just not happening the way you want them to happen.

woman in outbursts of anger

If you are often angry, it may be because you are holding on to a false perception that makes you understand reality in a scary and frustrating way. Here are some of the views:

  • It’s easy for others to hurt me: it causes you to react angrily to any sign of disagreement or rejection.
  • Others have to do what is best for my well-being and needs. When others do things that go against what you think, feel or want, you can become intolerant.
  • No obstacles should get in the way of what I want. If you experience some kind of blockage, you may come up in the red box.
  • Other people should read my mind and take care of my emotions. If others do not immediately understand you and take your feelings into consideration, it can feel like an attack.
  • I can not admit that I feel frustrated, nor do I want to. Only weak people do that. I always have to be strong, even if it gives me more anxiety.

The cycle of anger

Explosive anger is the result of accumulated anxiety or fear. It will gnaw at you if you do not get rid of a little irritation, which becomes more and more frequent over time. It all starts with a mild feeling of discomfort. It can be against yourself or against others or against the world in general. You do not spend time processing your anger, you just let it go.

the cycle of anger

As time goes on you will notice your discomfort, but you do not express it or control it. Maybe you think time will make it disappear, or you just need to move on. But things do not change, so you start to feel angry. You can make harsh or sarcastic remarks or reject things.

Despite all this, you probably do not notice the unpleasant situation. You try to ignore it or distance yourself from it. It just does not work. The moment something triggers you, you lose your temper. You lose control of your anger and it leads to a new cycle of conflict and agitation.

Occasional explosive disturbance

Occasional explosive disorder is a mental condition characterized by frequent bouts of explosive anger. A person with this disorder has intense reactions that do not suit the pre-existing situations.

From a psychiatric point of view, it is classified as a disorder of impulse control. This group includes kleptomaniacs, gambling addicts and pyromaniacs among others.

People who suffer from this disorder have brief outbursts of anger. During these outbreaks, they feel liberated and / or happy. However, they will feel remorse soon after.

Some with occasional explosive disturbance will usually ruin things or become physically aggressive towards other people. The triggering factor is not important in itself. These people usually have a high level of anxiety.

woman with fire in her hands

If we go back to the original question, then they need professional help if they often lose their temper over trivial things and become violent. This is not a matter of personality. It is a more serious problem that needs to be addressed so that it does not lead to serious consequences.

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