Appreciate It When People Show Love

Appreciate it when people show love

There are so many ways to express love in words. The kind of word that gives us goosebumps and touches our soul. People show love all the time, and their loving actions and words often go unnoticed, but they make us feel warm inside.

To share an understanding look, to take our hand or just sit with us in silence for a few minutes. These little things are not insignificant. They mean so much that they can actually repair us from the inside out.

Couple enjoying sea and showing love

The art of giving love

Give love, no more, no less. Do it because you feel it, because your body asks you to, and because there is no more beautiful way to connect with someone. Many people practice this wonderful art, but not everyone knows how to appreciate it.

Those who know how to give love do not expect anything in return. Their only goal is to give love. They are creators of happiness, peace and good relationships. They are magical people who transform a normal day into something extraordinary.

Their secret weapon is the love they show, right from their big hearts. They offer a shoulder to anyone who needs a place to rest their head. They help those who stumble, up and listen to anyone who feels their world is crumbling around them.

People who know how to give love express their feelings to others. They know how to connect and silently read the feelings of others. They are true guides to happiness, warmth and care.

To feel loved without forgetting what is important

Feeling loved is one of the most beautiful emotions we can experience. Knowing that another person wants to see us, talk to us, and spend time with us is the best gift we will ever be able to receive. Although these things sometimes seem insignificant or inadequate.

We have a bad habit of ignoring the little things people do for us. Sometimes we see these loving acts as obligatory.

Couple showing love with touch

If someone is loving to us and we feel the same for them, then the worst thing we can do is ignore it. Maybe they did not meet our expectations, or else it was not what we wanted. But it does not take value away from what they offer us.

In love, we must learn to read people. That means we need to learn how they communicate their love. Knowing that others are thinking of us is comforting, but it is not enough to build a good relationship. We can not only be recipients of love.

When people show love, it’s not just about an intention on their part, but it’s also a gift of their time, a piece of their lives. Therefore, we need to appreciate them, thank them, and somehow let them know that we value them.

18 gestures showing love

People show love to us every day. These little things do not have an economic value, but they make all the difference. They are able to turn a situation around completely, make people smile and flood the soul with positive energy.

It happens everywhere, every minute. We just have to pay attention. Here are some of them:

  • A great, meaningful hug, with the power to heal any wound.
  • An understanding look
  • A smile that tells you “I am here with you and I love your company.”
  • A gift just because. No anniversary, just an ordinary day.
  • A funny message written on a post-it stuck somewhere where you want to see it.
  • Playing your favorite song because it will make your morning better.
  • A sweet, soft touch.
  • To hear an enthusiastic: “ I am so happy on your behalf!
  • To look at you with admiration.
  • A ” good morning “, ” good night ” or ” have a good day “.
  • To be there for you when you need it.
  • To take your hand so you do not feel alone
  • To show interest in what you are doing in your life.
  • Listening to your laughter, wiping your tears away and warning you when you are in danger.
  • To give you a few minutes of their time even when they are busy.
  • To take with you without asking why, because you need company.
  • To be with you on sunny days, rainy days and even on stormy days.
  • To talk to you when you have made a mistake. Not to talk about what you did wrong, but to remind you that you can learn from the experience.

We could make a much longer list. There really is no end. When love moves a person to action, then the possibilities are endless.

Couple showing love with a letter

Knowing how to show love is an art. It’s a kind of magic we must learn to appreciate. Show love, and gain respect, understanding and change. It is the most beautiful tool we have and we must learn to appreciate it.

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