Introversion With High Anxiety. Are You Like That?

Intimacy with high anxiety.  Are you like that?

Intimacy with high anxiety is more common than we think. Often, these traits will be hidden under what we call “secret anxiety.” So even though you always seem to be calm, anxiety works like a complicated puzzle inside these people. It can involve excessive worry, the need to dodge certain things, perfectionism…

Much has been written about introversion with high anxiety. For a number of years, we have now seen a “quiet” awakening, where introverted people are gradually finding their rightful place. We can not ignore the fact that our society, and especially in areas such as trade, school or university, is more oriented towards people who are more open, social and most importantly extroverted personalities.

Books like  The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain appreciate these qualities that people with this psychological profile tend to have. Qualities such as creativity, empathy, self-reflection or the ability to resolve conflicts are dimensions that can lead introverted people to positions with a high degree of leadership. These traits empower them to feel more effective day after day.

Just as important as knowing their strengths and good abilities, it is also important to know their more complicated and often weaker sides. We are all, regardless of our personality, more or less sensitive to a certain point where we suffer from some other form of anxiety. Nevertheless, introverts are particularly apt to adapt to a very special and hidden pattern of anxiety behavior that we should be aware of.

pencils in four colors

Intimacy with high anxiety. What is it?

Some say that one finds the best treasures in the deepest holes. We all know that in these deep worlds, unknown and deep, there lives some threatening occurrence. Living in these depths has its benefits, but on the other hand, there are also dangers and threats.

Before we describe what introversion with high anxiety is, let’s just think about this concept. The idea of ​​introverts and extroverts must be seen as a coherent whole. To put it bluntly, we are all somewhere in this. Or rather to a certain point. Some are a little more and others are a little less. Those who score high tend to have signs of pathology. It is very difficult for them to enjoy the good sides of life, to be productive and maintain good social contacts.

People who are characterized as introverted with high anxiety are not out at the extreme end of the spectrum, but they are close. One can say that they can live a completely normal life with the associated tasks, jobs and contacts. But inside them lies a very complicated knot. It is a secret emotional maze, well camouflaged, through which fear seeks a way out, insecurity collides with constant contradictions, and permanent worry runs against a wall… Again and again.

Let’s look at what characterizes introverted people with high anxiety.

A constant need to defend oneself against “something”

Introverts with high anxiety tend to be people who are alert and who have a defensive attitude. There is always something that worries them, threatens them or walks them on. Their thoughts are never at rest. Often it is the date, the conversation or the project they have to complete. These are events that force them to leave their comfort zone and it evokes a high level of anxiety.

You are intimidated inside, but your exterior seems to be okay

The most interesting thing about people who suffer from high anxiety is that they rarely miss things. They are defined by balance, calm and obvious self-control. It’s all something others can see, without knowing what’s inside them, where it looks completely different. They alternate between fear and insecurity.

The constant struggle to appear sensible and determined can suddenly stop. Then they start coming up with a lot of contradictions to be able to hide the fear every day and carry a shield of courage that gets heavier and heavier day by day.

there is talk in a circle

I see the world differently and I feel lonely

Introverts need a more relaxed environment to feel comfortable, to be able to exploit their potential, to be able to work and find themselves. There are some who feel comfortable in their exclusive and private caves. On the other hand, other people perceive these lonely places quite differently. They feel frustrated that they are not being understood, are angry at the fact that other people do not understand their needs, their way of experiencing life…

Everything must be perfect

Introverts with high anxiety are also characterized by a high level of perfectionism. They demand and demand a lot of themselves. Because being perfect for them gives a sense of control. And when something is under control, positive rewards follow. This way of thinking is an endless series of ailments.

Pain, tics, exhaustion, nervousness

This “secret” anxiety that introverts have manifests itself in various ways. They often suffer from psychosomatic disorders such as skin problems, eating disorders, migraines, muscle aches, nervous tics, etc. It is the body’s channels to express the inner anxiety, which is constantly worrying, which needs to defend itself from the world, and from it, which it cannot control.

A common trait of these people is also the way these people express themselves. They often speak in a nervous and fast way, which can make others think they are extroverted. Nevertheless, it is a sign of more inner anxiety. An anxiety where there is a very large knot inside which is very complicated.

woman with sweater pulled up well around her neck

We can conclude that if you feel this way, then the best thing you can do is seek professional help. Intimacy with high anxiety can become a chronic condition. We consider it normal for many years up to a certain limit until the problems pile up. Consequences such as psychosomatic disorders and other more severe psychological disorders will occur.

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