Overcome The Fear That Prevents You From Trying Something New

Overcome the fear that prevents you from trying something new

Often, change scares us. It happens because we go from a situation of balance and control to one that is completely new and contains unknown factors. Everything unknown and unpredictable provokes a lot of fear. Will it succeed? What’s going to happen? Will I be successful?  It is the fear that speaks to us to make us stay in our  comfort zone. It shows up when we are faced with something new.

We have excellent abilities to be flexible and flow with the flow when faced with something new. But it is always the fear that opens the ballet. 

Many people feel stuck in a certain place in their lives because they allow themselves to be influenced by the feeling of insecurity. What they do not know is that this feeling passes. It does not last forever. We are talking here about a feeling of malaise that prepares one for change. On a step towards the opportunity to grow. Because even though new things scare us, they also create an illusory spark inside us. It creates curiosity about the new things that are in store.

Turn fear into motivation

Every time something scares us, we take several steps back or at least stay where we are. Perhaps this is a learned behavior. But we could do the exact opposite. Does it sound like crazy in your ears? Maybe it’s crazy. But we know that fear is the best motivation one can find to push oneself forward and take a giant step. It is a feeling and therefore it is  energy. From now on, you decide for yourself what you want to invest in.

I encourage you to take a mental journey into the past. To one of those times where you had no choice but to do what you were afraid of. Maybe you were terrified of presenting your project in front of all those people. You had no choice. What was it you feared? You accepted the fear and gathered all the shame, doubt, the worries and your hesitation to carry out what made you so nervous. When you have so much fear and have no choice but to face it, then you start using it to your own advantage. 

Shoes and pants with flowers

A winning attitude

Having a winning attitude will also help in confronting one’s problems in a different way. We all find it hard to deal with problems and obstacles. It is the stones in our path that create resistance to our goals and progress. But we focus all, all too much on the small defeats. We give them too much weight.  We let the fear grow. 

The negative things in life always carry a lot of weight. And to such an extent that they can push aside all the good things that have been accomplished.

What about all that has been achieved up to that point? When did you stop visualizing your goal? All problems dazzle us, provoke frustrations and doubts. Sometimes they make us turn around and go back to where we came from. If you focus on the present and value all the good you have achieved so far, then you will cultivate a full self-awareness. This will help one to perceive one’s mistakes as possibilities.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Forget what has already happened, forget your thoughts about the future.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life and it deserves a special place. Focus on the present and make the most of it. Remember that tomorrow does not exist, that today is your only opportunity to give everything you have. If you get stuck in your fears and  doubts, this day will go to waste.

You are responsible for the life you have, so do not be a victim. If you do not trust the process, then you will not get where you want to be. Starting something new can be daunting, as we often want to be ahead of where we are. We are not realistic. We can not see all the work it is going to require. All the effort it is going to require. Our expectations turn towards us as we begin to descend this path.

Sad woman with red hair lets fear take over

Make sure your goals are achievable

Before we start on something new, we need to make sure that it is an achievable goal. That way, you will not shatter the hopes you had to begin with. And then you have to stay motivated. Sometimes it will leave us, and therefore one must keep the goal in mind. It is the only thing that can keep the motivation.

Remember that today is the only thing that matters. You do not get another chance or opportunity. What you do today will shape everything that lies ahead. That comfort zone, fear, doubt, all that shame will not help you if you do not confront it all. It only becomes useful when you overcome it. It only exists so that you can start something new right away.

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