Kindness Is A Gift Worth Sharing

Kindness is a gift worth sharing

Kindness is a value that many of us still believe in. It is the language of respect and consideration. It is the pillow that absorbs the blows we take in life and the gift we give through glances, words, and small actions day after day. Being kind does not cost anything, but you achieve so much with it.

Lao Tse used to say in his writings that the good words create trust, noble thoughts come from kindness,  and actions marked with respect create an imperishable bond. But in many of our surroundings, we do not see this value as embedded as we would like.

“Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle.”

Experts in management and organizational psychology, for example, know very well that kindness or altruism are not concepts that harmonize particularly well with the qualities needed to ensure that a company flourishes in the market. Competitiveness, power, influence and innovation are above camaraderie. Recognition of the other person is of little use as it will only cause one to lose status, time and efficiency.

On the other hand, and according to Felix Losada, a director of marketing and PR and author of the book, “Intelligent Protocol,” it is explained that being less kind is actually due to a concrete fact. Social courtesy is evolving. In our case, it has done so against the backdrop of a society characterized by haste, stress and materialism.  A person is more focused on their own selfish universe than on looking at other planets nearby.

If we want to wave the flag of goodness again, we should begin to create certain changes in ourselves.

Woman with flower

Are we living in an era of rudeness?

At the moment, there is no shortage of those who believe that it is a waste of time to be kind and that one risks being considered weak, or even worse as greedy. Eg. in the work environment, the employee, who is always attentive, friendly and approachable, is viewed with distrust. For that person is most likely a climber who is looking forward to rising to a higher position and gaining power in the business.

Kindness is not a good quality at the management level. As much as they try to sell us that today’s leaders have emotional intelligence and fine-tuned dynamics in their group, the only thing they really want is for their employees to reach their goals and for the company to be competitive in the ever-changing and oppressive market. .

We live in a culture of “ I do enough for what I get paid . In this world characterized by “ me ” and “ now, we hardly have time to look anyone in the eye to say good morning, how are you ? Or ask ” do you need anything ?” It is no longer possible to sit face to face. In addition to the forms, there is pressure to have better conditions and create a better climate for understanding and cooperation, where we all come out as winners.

In this era of antipathy and immediacy, kindness translates into a waste of time,  8% less productivity for a company, or the risk of losing something important in our community if we turn off our cell phone while with a friend or partner.

Is it really worth it?

Even in times of crisis, there is hope for kindness

Kindness is a gift worth sharing, even if it is not recognized, even if we do not receive any gratitude in return. Somehow, even though it may seem contradictory, we invest in ourselves, get better, and develop empathic closeness. It promotes personal and emotional growth.

“Be civil to all; social with many; familiar with few; friend of one; enemy to no one. “
-Benjamin Franklin

On the other hand, although many philosophers can tell us that the concept of social kindness expires, there is still hope. We are very aware that this modern world encourages us to be individualists and competitive. Stress and nervousness will occasionally allow the worst of us to get out. Is that really what we want to become? People who are not able to fight for a friendlier existence?

Think of future generations and the involuntary legacy we risk leaving for our children if we do not begin to make changes. We should become more aware and become activists for this change in attitude and focus. We must not forget that when a baby comes into the world, he / she is programmed to connect with others. In fact, until the age of 7 or 8, a child is altruistic and cooperates by nature. After this stage, they begin to focus more on themselves and develop behaviors based on competitiveness.

Women hug and show kindness

It’s an investment in yourself

If we invest time in children and teach them about the value of kindness from early stages, we will plant seeds for a more noble and empathetic future . Start with body language and verbal courtesy. At the same time, we must strive to show kindness every day.

Let’s find the keys to courtesy again. Let’s  lift our faces from our cell phones. Then we can look at each other. This is where we will find the true messages that come from the heart and soul. Let’s start today by sulking less, putting the brakes on for our bustle, and enjoying the world in small chunks while giving smiles and dedicating more time to people we love.

Because it’s free to be kind, and while some may not think so, it feels really good.

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