The Magic Of Experiencing Something For The First Time

The magic of experiencing something for the first time

What is it about experiencing something for the first time that we love so much? What makes it so special that we will try it again? The magic and the butterflies we get when we do not know what is going to happen… When something new happens…  It is the magic of  the first time.

The first job, the first date, the first time you see a new city or a new movie. All of these situations hold a new experience – and some uncertainty. They can make us feel many different things, including fear and doubt. They can also make us feel positive things,  such as motivation, surprise, etc.

When we are faced with experiencing something for the first time, we make a mental plan and set goals. We imagine what is going to happen and what we get with further in life. It all turns on an engine inside us that motivates us to  show others the best version of ourselves.

The first time is like facing a thousand secret doors without knowing where they are going, but we open them anyway. If we can overcome the first fear, we have the opportunity to transcend some boundaries and discover a new world. Experiencing something for the  first time is full of magic,  because even though we do not know what is going to happen, we are still moving forward.

The hope of experiencing something for the first time

Here we find the magic. When we know what’s going to happen at our job, or when we meet someone we want to stay with,  we lose some of the hope of the first time. As Rafael Santandreu says: If we confront situations with an open mind, as we do in the beginning, we will discover something new every day, with the same hope.

Friends bathe and enjoy experiencing something for the first time

Think of the students who take a semester abroad. When the semester begins, they sit in a classroom with brand new people. A new place to explore. They have high expectations for this time to be absolutely amazing. But as the months go by, the unknown transforms into the known, and the journey home gets closer, day by day.

We no longer experience the place in the same way because we have become accustomed to it. There will always be things we can explore and that we do not know and people we have not met. But if you are able to produce the magic at new beginnings and you wake up every day with that approach, you can feel the  power of the first time every day.

The hope and magic of the first time does not lie in the situation itself. It lies in the way we see things – our attitude. So why not get up every day and do something for the first time?

What can we take from previous experiences?

Every day saves on magic by not knowing what the day will bring. But if we step out of bed and focus only on what we already know, we do not see the great thing in a new day. We may well know how the day will start, but  it is impossible for us to know how it will end.

Woman stretching arms over head in front of window

The first time also always comes with nerves, fears and doubts. But maybe we can learn from it and get some new tools that can help us minimize the uncertainty so we can continue to evolve.

Let’s have a new day full of new beginnings. Let’s take the positive with us from every moment. We have the strength to create the magic at the first time, with the passion as if it were the last time. Let us not lose the butterflies and the uncertainty, even if it is the third, fourth or tenth time.

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