Do You Know What Your Tone Of Voice Conveys?

Toneleje effectively conveys your mood and your emotions, so it is a great tool to use to build relationships with other people. And that’s exactly why it’s a tool worth learning how to use.
Do you know what your tone of voice conveys?

Tone play is one of the most important parts of our communication. Your tone of voice conveys things you are not even aware of. There are factors in the sound of your voice that give meaning (consciously and unconsciously) to the message you are sending out. Some of these factors are: The sound, volume, speed, clarity, projection, etc.

Several people can say the same sentence and their different tone of voice will convey different psychological information. It shows you that there is both verbal and nonverbal meaning in our words. The nonverbal part is harder to control, but also more genuine.

You can also find out a lot about how a person actually feels, by analyzing their tone of voice. Even if they speak a language you do not know, you can calculate things about what they feel and think just by listening to how they speak.

Now we’ll give you a few ideas on how to interpret what others’ tone of voice tells you.

Woman thinks about what her tone of voice conveys when she speaks to employees

Tone and our perception of others

Laboratory of communication analysis  (The Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis of Communication ) at Barcelona’s Autonomous University conducted a survey around the pitch and perception. They had some interesting results, and here are some of them:

  • A deep tone conveys maturity and creates trust in other people. It is a widespread tone in advertising.
  • But some people talk extremely deeply. This tone actually conveys a dark feeling.
  • A certain, confident tone makes you believe that the person speaking is prominent and important.
  • If someone speaks very quietly, on the other hand, it makes you think that the person has significant weaknesses or is awkward.
  • People who have a very high tone do not inspire credibility.

The voice is such an important personal detail in people that it is now being used as a way to check identity to give people access to their technology. It is also used as evidence in the legal system. It is just as reliable, maybe even more, than a fingerprint.

Boy shouting into a microphone

More interesting facts

Psychologists have done their bit to understand the hidden meanings behind different tones. Now we have a huge catalog of interpretations for these little details, of the kind that most of us do not notice in everyday life. Let’s look at some of them.


The way a person breathes while talking gives an impression of the pace of their life.

  • Calm: It’s a balanced person who speaks.
  • Deep and constant: Energy and activity.
  • Deep, constant and strong: Anger is suppressed.
  • Superficial: A lack of practicality.
  • Short and fast: Anxiety and discomfort.


This generally gives hints about how a person interacts with himself and with others:

  • Normal: Self-control and the ability to listen.
  • High: Weakness, selfishness and impatience.
  • Low: Inexperienced and inhibitions.

Articulation or pronunciation

Pronunciation  has to do with the person’s ability to be understood, and their desire to be understood:

  • Well-defined: Mental clarity, openness to communication.
  • Inaccurate: Deception or mental confusion.
  • Very clear: Narcissism, suspense.
  • Stumbling: Aggression, inhibitions.


This aspect of tone of voice conveys something about the person’s emotional state:

  • Slow: Lack of interest, disconnection from the world.
  • Fast: Excitement, a desire to hide certain information.
  • Regular: Restraint, oppression, unnaturalness.
  • Irregular: Confusion, anxiety, communication problems.
Man smiling and speaking: His tone conveys confidence

Toneleje conveys what relationship we want with others

The tone is like a stamp. Even if the person they are talking to is not an expert in this field, they will subconsciously receive messages from the other person: their tone of voice conveys things around them completely subconsciously. And these messages will shape their perception of that person.

The tone also conveys the kind of relationship one person wants to have with another. So if it is cold and sharp, they want to establish distance. And if it is warm and sweet, they try to approach the other. The tone bearing also defines the tone, of their connection.

It is also important to note that a person’s pitch is not always the same. But there are still some traits that are always there. It is the consistent patterns that will give you the key to the person’s personality or mood.

A great way to learn more about yourself is to record your own voice in different scenarios and then listen for the hidden tones in your voice.

Toneleje effectively conveys your mood and your emotions, so it is a great tool to use to build relationships with other people. And that’s exactly why it’s a tool worth learning how to use.

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