Love Is Sharing Your Soul With The One You Love

Love is sharing your soul with the one you love

Under your skin lives your soul. At times, it is hidden between doubt, kidnapped by fear. Other times it is brave and shows the wounds it has suffered over time. But only with those who come close enough will you feel safe enough to share your soul.

While it may seem like the shield that protects your soul is thin and weak, it is stronger and more durable than you imagine. Disguised as obvious innocence, it really is the most powerful protection against outside threats.

But of course we still feel the fear of our memories. Of those who approached us like wolves, wanted our bodies, without worrying about our souls and personalities . There is no greater enemy than this type of person – one who only does things for his own interest and does not care about others.

With a simple glance you can see the skin, but it is much harder to know the soul it hides.

In a relationship, you have to share your soul, as this couple does

Look beyond the picture

To really know someone, you have to look beyond the image they are projecting. Many times, the image is just a hard shell hiding on who they really are. Many times it is just the fear that they will be hurt again and have their illusions trampled down.

We must admit that showing ourselves combed, without secrets, makes us feel vulnerable, and so we try to avoid it at all costs. The fear of pain is stronger than the courage to show yourself who you are. And even if you lose a part of yourself every time you hide, you feel that protecting yourself is the best solution. That’s what you’ve internalized.

Maybe time will help you lose the fear that haunts you. Maybe the world will change and women will no longer be on the hunt for trophies to capture wolves. Maybe skin will only be skin, a place to caress, not a shield against the bad things in life. By that time, you dare to share your soul with those you love.

“My skin is engraved with your sins and there is no wind or water that can wash them away without leaving my name blurred, faded and without a smile.”
–Gioconda Belli

To love, you must learn to share your soul like this couple

To truly love you must dare to share your soul

For someone to truly love you, they must reach into your soul. They should see every corner that you hide in the folds of your skin. They must see your fears and the stories you have gone through . You are not just a beautiful body. You are a canvas painted with stories, full of words and built in the crisis hugs full of love, cast by the blows of life’s difficulties. It’s not only your scars that make you unique, no matter how big they may seem when you run your fingers across their crooked surfaces.

Do not forget all that you are worth, even if life fills you with blows and raises you a thousand times. You stand up, brush the dust off and continue.

Your fears can alienate those who enter your life with good intentions. But we must keep in mind that patience will always bear fruit for those who truly possess it. In the end, time always causes our masks to fall so that people close to us can truly embrace us.

In that moment, in front of these people, your fears will disappear and your skin will become transparent and show a faithful reflection of the person you are. Because you do not always have to hide. You must dare to share your soul . Just find the right place to show yourself; the place and those people will not hurt you, they will make you stronger.

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