Remember To Appreciate The Things You Have

Remember to appreciate the things you have

Everyone has heard the words: “money can not buy happiness, but I would rather cry in a Ferrari.” It sounds like a whimsical and ironic phrase, and it’s essential too, but there are things we can learn from it. We inherit these ideas from rampant neoliberalism. It can make us hate our lives, feel like a failure and think that everything would be better if we just had “X”. It makes us forget to appreciate what we already have.

It is said that money problems have dropped. But they are still there; they just look nicer. On the one hand, it is true that having a job and a moderate income can help you be more relaxed. But it is no less true that money cannot buy mental health. On the contrary, it sometimes does nothing but aggravate certain problems and fill certain gaps in the wrong way.

If you are not happy with what you have, you will never be happy with what you want. Or with what you think you need. It’s not healthy to live like that. It pushes you towards an anxiety state. It makes you miss unique moments in life.

Life does not begin when you get something you want

Current unemployment statistics in many countries have many short- and long-term psychological consequences. But it is important to take a closer look at the factors that explain the constant need – which is present in Western society – to renew our material desires.

Think of people who are hoping to have enough money to spend a few days at the beach with their family. Or the people who are hoping to get a particular job so they can celebrate it with their friends. How will this affect their mood over time? They will probably be paralyzed while waiting for something to happen. They will go around making it happen faster. During that period, they will forget to appreciate the things they already have.

If you wait for something from the outside to fill your inner emptiness, you are wasting time that you will never get back. When you get the good news, if it ever happens, then your soul may be exhausted after all that waiting.

A hand reaches out towards a sunset as a symbol that one must appreciate what one has
No one has said you can not have aspirations. But they cannot be permanently transformed into the future. But this requires a lot of courage and extreme tolerance for frustrations and insecurities. It is pleasant to be able to go anywhere, knowing that what you have left behind is in order. But life is not just a matter of safety and tying all loose ends together. You also need to be able to live with risks.
When a door is closed, an entire universe opens up. 

Security brings peace, but not happiness if we forget to value it

Use your energy instead of waiting for it to come at the right time. Only by exploring and appreciating what you already have will you be able to find new sources and replenish them. Life is divided into stages. Each of them has a special charm that we will often only appreciate when we look back on it.

Being happy with what you have does not mean that you are a conformist. Enjoying the positive things in your life is not a naive mentality. Knowing how to recognize the beauty of people and situations implies that we learn that we are who we are because of the peace we send out, even though our wallets are sometimes empty. To be happy with what you have is to strive to be a better person, not an object.

You can not learn how to stop losing your control and judgment over a bad financial situation, by negotiating with the bank. You have to acquire abilities through learning lessons, see the problem with your own eyes. You must fight them with intellectual resources and accept them from the heart. The most valuable thing in life is inner peace, and it requires going through periods of complete uncertainty. It is not something that is achieved with a salary or at a particular time. It is a long and hard emotional process.

Man in a frame in a forest clings to a piece of fabric and tries to appreciate what he has

It is true that everyone wants to achieve what they think is necessary to be happy. But it is also true that if their desires take all their passion from the present, then it is more a form of self-imposed harm.

Our dreams must evoke a stream. Our goal should be to ensure that this flow is not a meaningless swing, but a commitment to a serious job or responsibility. It has to be something that makes us work. Being happy with what you have is a commitment to the present. It will be reflected in your future.


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