Morning Anxiety – How To Minimize It

Morning anxiety is a symptom of a disorder that a person does not have to stand alone with. You should seek therapy if anxiety affects your overall social, family, emotional, and occupational functioning.
Morning anxiety - How to minimize it

Morning anxiety is hard and difficult to deal with. You never know when it will show up. However, it tends to do so at the most inconvenient time of the day.

It begins as sustained, circular reasoning that creeps in like a shadow, a kind of expectation that leads to physiological arousal. Unfortunately , your morning anxiety can easily condition the rest of your day. This leads to an intense fear of obstacles or challenges that might appear in your path.

Morning anxiety can be quite limiting for someone who does not know how to handle it properly. Read this article to find some tips that may seem simple but that can help you reset your day after a bad start.

Get out of bed if you have morning anxiety

You wake up in the morning and open your eyes, and before you have time to think about anything else, you feel anxious. So you immediately begin to feel restless, and this translates into physiological arousal followed by a possible urge to cry and a feeling of inadequacy.

There is also worry, and at some point you decide that you do not really want to continue with your day.

Your schedule is full of things you need to do, e.g. an appointment with someone you have never met, or a party with friends. Maybe you need to go shopping or finish a project. But whatever your plans for the day may be, the anxiety is there to deter you. Not only that, it invites you to run the other way.

For that reason, it is important for you to know how to bring down the catastrophic thoughts that are ruining your day as soon as they start. This is because such thoughts are not there by accident and can be easily integrated into your internal dialogue while you are still in bed.

There are actually techniques for dealing with your mental waste. They help you avoid obsessions, both when you wake up and before you go to bed.

Circular reasoning can be aggravated by staying in bed. This is because the only thing you can do there is think. You become an easy prey for anxiety when you wake up and are half awake in bed.

So if you can spot the signs that inform you that your anxiety is increasing, it’s time to get up.

Changing plans – the same plans

Avoidance as a strategy will only increase your anxiety. These situations are usually not accompanied by anything specific that could trigger their activation, such as running into a poisonous snake or a scheduled visit to the dentist.

Anxiety can make you think that you should not continue with certain plans. This is because your catastrophic thoughts are stuck in a loop, like a scratched gramophone record. They are so persistent that you begin to think that you can not cope with some challenges.

You may decide not to do certain things you had planned because of your anxiety mechanism. However, this alone does not reduce your anxiety in the long run. Instead, it encourages you to do the same the next time you feel anxious. Unfortunately, meeting your goals will not further undermine your confidence.

Therefore, even though it is difficult to wake up with anxiety, avoiding your daily activities will only aggravate your situation. How? Because your daily tasks just pile up if you do not handle them.

The best thing to reduce your anxiety is to confront your demons, even if it makes you anxious. Often, the obstacles you experience are easier to deal with than you think, so you are not as vulnerable as you perceive yourself to be.

Coffee, without milk and without caffeine

A typical morning routine often begins with a cup of coffee. But you have to remember that caffeine is a stimulant that increases your heart rate. This can be confused as a physiological manifestation that physically resembles anxiety.

Caffeine can be very positive for your body as a start, but it can be harmful to you when you are mentally aroused. This is because you should not encourage your heart to beat faster in a state of anxiety. It can have an escalating effect on your already increased breathing, profuse sweating and all other frightening physical symptoms.

Therefore, morning anxiety should be a sign that coffee is not your friend that day.

Let vanity be your ally against morning anxiety

Continuing with your personal care is the last recommendation to prevent morning anxiety and waste your entire day. Proper hygiene habits are simple activities that soothe you.

Therefore, when you wake up with anxiety, you need to resort to active and conscious strategies to confront it. Anxiety is a mixture of catastrophic, irrational and negative thoughts that convince you of your worthlessness. They weigh you down. So you are in danger because you are not able to realize that it is all a lie.

Thus, your first instinct is to run away from something painful and hide yourself in a warm and comfortable place against such harmful conditions. These simple movements will have a crucial impact on your emotions. They will impair your self-efficacy.

Finally, it seems relevant to mention that people are not born to know how to control their anxiety.

Morning anxiety is a symptom of a disorder that a person does not have to stand alone with. You should seek therapy if anxiety affects your overall social, family, emotional, and occupational functioning.

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