What Does Egotism Mean?

For egotists, it is about covering up their own insecurities.
What does egotism mean?

Although the two words are a bit similar, egotism is not the same as egoism. The term was used extensively in the literature until the 19th century. But in psychology nowadays it has taken on a different meaning. Although it is associated with “I” and “ego”, it does not refer to selfish individuals who think only of their own interests without regard for others.

According to Merriam-Webster’s egotisme ” is a lingering tendency to overestimate themselves”. It can also be described as a relentless desire to show others their own importance, no matter what the egoist has for reasons of assigning himself such an importance. But this is often not the case.

An egotist is a person who does not notice what is happening to people around him. They also overlook the needs of the people they live with, for they value their own needs and needs more than those of others. Their lack of empathy causes them to see others as a means to an end – their own end.

Extreme egotism is also an essential trait in people with personality disorders such as the borderline psychotic and narcissistic.

Traits of an egotistical personality

They have too much self-confidence and self-esteem

Having self-esteem is necessary to be able to cope and succeed. On the other hand, you will become arrogant if you have too much of it. Egotists believe that everyone else is wrong on it and they are not able to acknowledge the results of others.

The egotist will achieve a lot. From time to time you can hear them say things like, “ I will not deny it. There are times when I talk to myself… because sometimes I need to listen to an expert ”.  They tell it like it’s a joke, but it’s not for them.

Egotism, in short, keeps us from learning more about ourselves. Why should we spend time and energy changing when we are so perfect? In this context, it is worth remembering the words that Jillian Michaels said: “A bad day for your ego is a good day for your soul”.

man dramatizes

Egotism means living in a fantasy world

People with egotism spend a lot of time thinking about great things that they will achieve in the future. Their projects are based on more impressing others than so much else. They tend to beautify things to attract the interest of others. In general, they tend to exaggerate and dramatize most aspects of their lives.

They have a “difficult” personality

Egotists only take into account their own perspective. They usually think that they know exactly how to do things and how to behave. If everything does not go according to their head, they feel that they are losing control and it irritates them.

These people do not accept a “no” as an option. They regard disagreements as an aggression, and they are capable of disturbing the peace of the people around them until things go the way they want again.

They have low self-esteem

It may seem contradictory, but it is not. Egotism causes people to try to hide their insecurities and avoid being rejected. They do this by appearing more competent than they really are.

They try to maintain an image that they themselves believe is perfect. And above all, at no point do they try to lose control of a situation.

woman in closed room

Egotism in gestalt therapy

Egotism is also one of the neurotic mechanisms involved in gestalt therapy: its main function is to increase and strengthen contact through the narcissistic growth of the ego.

This mechanism is included in gestalt therapy in the therapeutic processes, where the patient must be responsible for their needs. It helps to dampen inhibitions and stimulates support for oneself.

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