I Found Peace After The Storm In My Life

I found peace after the storm of my life

We all go through certain storms in life that destroy us. And then there are other, less disturbing winds that relentlessly blow our peace away, even though these unpleasant breezes can occur constantly. And further, there are other winds that teach us about the meaning of life. Strong winds that carry love from the people who were born to share life with us. Some of these winds are powerful, others are peaceful. But it is always possible to find peace after the storm.

But sometimes the winds can turn into strong cyclones. They pull you around with them. Perhaps you have been weakened by small but negative events that made you stumble but not fall. Other times, the storms come when you least expect them. They strike you with an unexpected brutality that snatches the peace away from your life.

When you are in the middle of it all and you feel the power of the whole storm, you can feel like you are slowly starting to lose everything you thought was safe in your life. Your head starts spinning until you see painful realities that you would never see (like failure or abandonment). The sudden movement of ideas seems to push other more important things away.

At this point, you understand that the storm removed a piece of you, but it was not the best piece. It was supposed to happen that way so you could react and find your own peace after the storm. I have suffered through the same storms in my life. Even today, I’m not sure if it would have been better if they had not hit with such force. But even though it’s true, it’s also true that they showed me what’s important in life. I was left with very little, but enough to move forward and find peace after the storm.

My branches are bare, but I found peace after the storm

We have all been through times where it felt as if life would never be regained or give the slightest indication of why everything seemed so confusing. I do not believe in the law of attraction; I believe that when something goes wrong, if you do not understand why, life does not stop until you face it. The hard way.

The point is, all the pain that you thought was worth it was just colored smoke. It had no strength against adversity. The feeling of admiration and mystery disappears to show you the mediocrity hidden behind it.

Tree in front of sunset

There are times when we seem to lose all our green branches and blooming flowers like a tree losing its leaves. But do not forget that there is something poetic in the contemplation of this tree, dry and bare. It seems to have a desire, a hope, a promise.

That tree stands tall in spite of everything that happened. And without anything adorning it, it seems more authentic than it has ever done before. It has been left with almost nothing but enough to move forward.

It seems to be at peace, but it promises to fight. This promise, kept in its strong barrenness, seems to be its greatest virtue. And sometimes the best things in life are those that were once beautiful and will never be again. They have withered, but have announced that they intend to revive themselves. In this plane of existence there is a unique sense of life.

The branches begin to bloom

It feels necessary to stop complaining. The tsunami that removed everything you thought made you special also took many useless things with it. Pay attention to this, straighten your shoulders and follow the weight lifted from your back.

Everything has become more spontaneous and natural. Hypocrisy no longer irritates you. It just makes you laugh indendi. There is no better response to people who have harmed you through action, omission, or complete deception than the indifference that you may suddenly feel. You do not even have to tell others about it. It is like a spontaneous smile that forms the first sign of mutual love.

Passionate hearts can only be broken by something that can truly leave a hole in them forever. Intelligent people always miss things that had value. Cowardice does not usually remain in your memory. It just reminds you of the damage to your ego, not the pain of loss.

Woman smiles to herself in mirror as she has found peace after the storm

Therefore, flowers are reborn. You realize that it felt like you were left with nothing but that the whole process was necessary to become who you are today. You do not even have the slightest intention of blaming anyone. That feeling of peace exists only in contrast to the hard blows you have received. They can get you down with your neck, or they can transform you completely.

The storm also takes the bad things with it

Sometimes it’s a privilege not to have something, to get rid of a lot of things. Not everyone can sense the process by watching things fly out the window as they try to resist. They expect to find out they were right, but in the process, they often do not.

The reason for this process lies in the future. You have already seen what is really important going forward. Now you are more flexible, but that does not mean you are free of problems. But now you can go back to shivering by touching true love, bursting out laughing with your friends and enjoying your social life. You do not even need to show it anymore.

The most amazing part is that you are still standing right. You are not the same anymore, but you feel much better. You do not long for smiles from the past. You can now identify the smile of today with the good that is yet to come and the clarity that comes from the power of this storm. For you found peace after the storm.

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