Is Getting Up Early The Worst Mistake We Make Every Day?

Is getting up early the worst mistake we make every day?

How many times have you heard the proverb: “to get up before the devil puts on shoes”? It is a popular saying. Our parents have often used it to get us up in the morning and send us to school. To make us realize that getting up early was a good idea. Even Miguel Cervantes said, “He who does not rise with the sun does not enjoy the day.”

But after years of suffering with early mornings or a bad conscience about not getting up early,  it turns out that getting up early is not as good as we thought. Maybe it’s better to get up  after the  hell he’s got his shoes on.

In the last few decades, many European societies have defended the use of the sun and daylight to work and take advantage of the working day. But a  study  was done which showed that early mornings can be harmful to our body and mind. 

Therefore, it is not good to get up early

Researchers at the University of the Westminister in England conducted this study. They hypothesized that getting up early is in no way positive and can even shorten our lives. Dr. Angela Clow led the study, with 42 volunteers, and the study lasted a few weeks. Saliva samples were taken eight times a day, one of which was taken just after they got up in the morning. 

The data collected showed that  people who get up early are more likely to suffer from headaches. They also have more frequent muscle problems. There are also signs that they have an increased tendency to be in a bad mood.

For this reason  , the key point in time for the study is at 7.21 in the morning. People who often get up before this time have an elevated level of cortisol, which is a stress hormone.

Other data from the study

Either way, some claim that as long as they sleep eight hours, it does not matter when they get up. But this does not fit according to the study. It shows that with the same amount of sleep  , those who get up early have a greater risk of stress. Even for anger. 

But those who get up a little later than the key time show signs of better quality social conditions. They feel especially comfortable in the most intimate environments.

However, there is also positive data for those who prefer to get up earlier. According to dr. Clow’s study  shows that those who wake up before the key time have a better ability to concentrate. 

How to reduce stress

So  if you are one of those people who are often forced to get up early to go to work or due to family, then you will need to reduce your stress level. Remember that stress is an epidemic in highly industrialized societies. It is far from purely mental and can be externalized so that it creates physical problems. Therefore, it is important to have healthy habits that can help reduce it.

  • Using time efficiently is paramount. To hurry and do everything at the last minute is really bad.
  • It is not necessary to be an extreme perfectionist. It is good to relax a little in this regard.
  • Performing low-intensity sports  keeps us away from our sources of stress and is always a good idea. It is great for dealing with anxiety.
  • Applying positive thinking is also good for reducing stress. If we see everything through sunglasses, the darkness will end up taking over every corner of our thoughts. Then we create ghosts in these corners, which are not really a threat. On the other hand, we overestimate the danger of the threats that exist.
  • Eating healthier is a great way to deal with stressful situations. Avoid overly processed foods, too much fat and alcoholic beverages.
  • As we have said, the amount of sleep is absolutely essential. If you can not get up later, try to get at least eight hours of sleep each day. It is even better if it can be eight consecutive hours a night. 
  • Activities like humor, mindfulness, listening to a good concert, watching a movie or a play, etc. make you relax and enjoy the moment.

Know your body

Remember that getting up early is not always a good idea. The most important thing is to know your body, and find the best schedule to feel good, within the scope of life life gives one. Exaggeration, even of sleep, is almost always negative. In this case, and many others, common sense, discipline, small joys and information are the best weapons to live a better life.

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