9 Things To Remember About Life

9 things to remember about life

Have you  stopped to think about all the beautiful things that are around you? When was the last time you felt grateful for the little things and the good times in life? It is surprising  how easily people forget what is important  and instead notice totally irrelevant things.

Maybe we should get into the habit of repeating to ourselves over and over again  that life is beautiful  with all its ups and downs. And we should realize that when you balance the two, good outweighs evil.

A smiling girl enjoying life stands with a dandelion

When things do not go as expected, when you feel depressed or as if the world is crumbling at your feet, remember the following “facts about life:”

1. Being busy is not the same as being productive

Everyone around us can run a mile a minute, but that does not necessarily mean that they do anything to live out their dreams or achieve their goals. Running from one place to another, constantly checking your phone or going to ten meetings in one day  is no guarantee of success… Just the opposite! Productivity is related to concentration and focus.

2.  Fear is the reason for your regrets

Be careful with fear. It loves to kill dreams. This quiet but very present enemy will still grow if you let it. Fear keeps us from taking the next step and meeting our goals. But it does not end there (as if it were not bad enough in advance), because then we regret everything we do.

3.  We do not need an excuse to forgive

If we just sat and waited for everyone to say sorry, we would be mad at everyone! Forgiveness is not only about the one who is forgiven, but also about the forgiving. Do not forget that hatred, anger and bitterness make us sick and do not allow us to move forward.

4.  You have to make mistakes in life to be successful

Just like the storm and the rainbow. If you never make mistakes, then how can you succeed? Until you  learn to understand your mistakes,  you will not succeed. Think about the researchers’ experiments before they find the answers to their hypothesis, or the times you fell off the bike before you learned to ride a bike.

5. You live by what you have built

A similar saying is, ” you lie as you have ridden”. And that is absolutely true. You are not a victim of the situation,  fate or whatever else you might find to blame. Your decisions and actions have led you to where you are today. You have  two options:  to move on or to complain about your mistakes.

6. Self-confidence is maintained from within

It does not matter how many people tell you  “your hair is so beautiful”, “what a great presentation for the meeting”  or compliment you for a good grade in a test. None of this matters if you do not have self-confidence. Think of other people’s opinions when they are positive or constructive,  not when they’re trying to pull you down. And remember: if you do not love yourself, then who will?

7. We are a reflection of those around us

While it is true that you can not always choose the people around you (family, colleagues or schoolmates) you always have the opportunity to choose who you spend time with and who you do not. Try to be with people who make you a better person, not worse; that helps and inspires you that does not demean you and make you feel less worthwhile.

8. Change is inevitable

We change every day, whatever we like it or not. For starters, we have 24 hours more to live in than yesterday. We usually do not like the uncertain because it makes us insecure. We stick to what we know because it inspires self-confidence. But that is not always the case; sometimes change is needed to grow and develop, to move forward and reach our goals.

9. Live in the now! 

There is a reason why in English the present is called “present.” Because it’s a gift! And that’s the only thing you can be sure of: yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is a mystery. No matter what you go through,  you can change nothing but the present.

A wrapped gift with gift ribbon

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