5 Ways To Survive A Tight Schedule

There are some tips you can use to better cope with a tight schedule.
5 methods to survive a tight schedule

If you have a tight schedule,  then you know the feeling that it is impossible to achieve it all. It’s work on top of more work. It can be really exhausting. The worst thing is that sometimes there is no way around that kind of schedule, at least not in the short term. So you simply have to deal with it, even if it is not easy.

Keeping a high pace on a daily basis can easily ruin your good mood. It can also lead to fatigue. Fatigue can then lead to irritability, lethargy, and lack of motivation. It can also affect your work. Little by little, life becomes just wear and tear.

The situation may seem quite harsh, but do not despair. There are some tips you can use to better cope with a tight schedule. It’s all about using some practical strategies that can be easily realized. They will not completely change your life, but can help you cope with busy days. Read the following tips and find out moreā€¦

1. Survive a tight schedule by changing your perspective

One of the secrets behind surviving a tight schedule is changing your perspective. It is easy and very human to complain. But if you get stuck there, nothing good will come of it. In fact, every day will feel more unbearable.

Man on chair reaches out for light bulb in ceiling

The best thing to do in such a situation is to keep in mind that  all experiences teach us something and allow us to develop. If you have the right attitude, you can take advantage of hard times. The key is to see the opportunities instead of complaining.

2. Show spontaneous kindness

While it may seem contradictory,  helping others can really help you overcome problems. This strategy turns your problem upside down and channels it over to something positive. It’s also a chance to show yourself how strong you are. You can prove to yourself that you have the ability to give more, do more.

Surviving a tight schedule is much easier if you can count on the kindness of people around you. So take the opportunity to show others kindness. It can be small signals, words or actions that somehow help others. You will quickly feel that you are being filled with good energy.

3. Improve the quality of your breaks

Remember that you demand more of yourself than usual. This means you wear yourself out faster. This applies intellectually, physically and emotionally. For the same reason, you need to think about improving the quality of your breaks. You need the right time and space if you want your energy back.

Woman with arms over head in front of sunset

Protect your time as a lioness protects her young. If you only have one hour, make the most of that hour. No one and nothing should disturb your rest.  This bit of time you need sacred activities that really make you relax. 

They should make you feel comfortable and happy. Do not use it for anything that feels like coercion. It is the only way to create balance in your energy and your duties.

4. Think about what you eat

Your diet has everything to do with your mood and your energy. A healthy diet is absolutely necessary to survive a fast-paced, tight schedule. It is not about eating more, but about eating better. One of the side effects of being busy is that you neglect your diet. Don’t let that happen!

Eating well involves eating three proper meals a day, and two snacks. Use the old house advice about eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a poor man.

The most important thing is that you eat healthy, nutritious foods. Do not drink too much coffee. Wear some chocolate on you at all times, and eat it when you feel lethargic or irritable.

5. Overcome your fears

When dealing with such a situation, your only obligation is to do your best. Everything else is impossible. Maybe you are under a tight schedule because you are afraid of something. You may be afraid of losing your job or missing out on an important opportunity.

Woman floating in room with water

Either way, keep track of your priorities. The most important things in life are you and your happiness. If a cruelly tight schedule turns into pure torture, consider going another way. Try to spot some positive elements in your situation. If you do not see anyone, you may be trapped in fear. Do not let it win.

Whatever the circumstances, you need to build self-confidence. Do not forget that time passes and you will never get it back. If you do not feel good about your situation, if you feel powerless and unmotivated, find the strength to say “Enough!”.

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