5 Traits Associated With Childhood Trauma

5 traits associated with childhood trauma

Childhood is a critical phase of life . The physical and psychological things that happen in these years leave lasting marks in your brain. This is why childhood traumas completely permeate a person’s personality and affect them throughout their lives.

However, that does not mean that we cannot overcome them, at least to some extent. That someone has had a difficult childhood does not mean that they cannot live a full and fulfilling life. But it usually requires some form of therapy.

There are certain features that indicate the presence of childhood traumas that have not been overcome. If you had a difficult childhood, it is worth checking to see if there are any of these characteristics in your life. They are good signs to help you see that it may be time to do something for yourself.

“Trauma is not caused by death, but by life. One can die without knowing it. Childbirth involves traumatic understandings. ”
–Richard Matheson–

Child illustrates tears on face due to childhood traumas

Detention, a trait associated with childhood traumas

Detention has to do with difficulty affecting the world. Even in one’s own life. This is the case with people who are reluctant to say what they really think or do what they really want. They are either afraid to do or say something, or they simply do not know what to do or say.

Childhood trauma makes a person unable to stand up for themselves in certain situations. This usually leads to some form of isolation. An extreme difficulty in dealing with others, combined with a fear of other people.

Some people are naturally introverted. Because of this, they do not feel very comfortable in social situations. But they have no problem saying what they think or feel out loud. They have control over what they do, say and think.

On the other hand , when there are childhood traumas in one’s life that are not overcome, one tries to live unnoticed and not attract attention.

2. Temperament

People who have not overcome their childhood traumas usually show a lot of anger. That said, they are not necessarily violent people. They tend not to be very tolerant and give in to aggressive reactions.

The thing is, it seems like they’re always about to explode, even if they do not. Their temperament is also noticeable in the way they handle objects or in their tone.

You can see tensions in their movements and way of speaking. In other words, there is an aura of anger over them, even though they may not be physically aggressive.

3. Rejection of compliments

People who have not overcome their childhood traumas often also have trouble valuing themselves . They either feel inferior to others or far better. But the latter is only a facade; a mechanism to compensate for the bad image they have of themselves.

Therefore, it is normal for them to reject praise . They think they are never good enough. Thus, they get annoyed when someone tells them that they are doing well in a particular area.

They think the person is either lying to them or mocking them. They can not understand how someone can have a good perception of them when they only have hatred for themselves.

Person with paint in front of face is plagued by childhood traumas

4. Constantly apologizes

Someone with childhood traumas in their past feels that everything they say or do will irritate other people. Therefore, they apologize a lot.

They ask for forgiveness when it is not needed at all. They apologize when they speak, as if they have no right to express themselves. And they apologize when they enter or leave a room.

In these actions we can see the mark of a limited childhood, perhaps a humiliating one, and with very little love. Such people feel like apologizing for anything that draws attention to themselves. This is one of the most common effects of childhood trauma.

Man with sea as neck is plagued by childhood traumas

5. Runs away from conflict or lives in it

Traumatic childhoods tend to develop in a highly conflicting family. An environment where disagreements and aggression were the norm. Any word or action could set off a whole host of problems . Thus, a child will grow up in fear and sometimes with an obsession with conflict.

Those who fear conflict will do everything they can to escape it . They are even able to ignore their own beliefs, to avoid a disagreement.

But those who seem to love conflicts make everything a problem. They are bound by the behaviors they experienced and learned as children.

We usually cannot resolve childhood traumas without consciously dealing with them. We need to work on them so that they do not end up invading our personality and making our lives a hell.

There is always something left in us from childhood. But when we are adults, we are able to deal with and interpret childhood traumas in such a way that they will not harm us.

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