5 Poisonous Habits That Steal Your Joy

5 Toxic Habits That Steal Your Joy

The habits we have define us for better or worse. For they can not only act as strategies to help us overcome obstacles; they can also be like the poisonous apple that hides a trap inside, despite the fact that it looks delicious.

Many of our habits allow us to optimize our efforts and they are considered healthy. But there are many others who end up being toxic  to our health and life itself. And they keep us from being happy.

It is even possible that habits that you see as relatively “good” are not so good at all. Or maybe you are not at all aware of the consequences of all your habits. Today we give you 5 toxic habits that might keep you from being happy.

We tend to have the bad habit of thinking negatively.  We are experts in what we do not want, do not have, do not deserve, or can not do. We focus our attention on this. Cultivating negative thoughts can be a bad habit, which ends up limiting us both on a social and individual level. Because if you believe you can not, will you really try?

Negative thoughts can build themselves up as our great enemy that little by little catches us in its spider web  and turns everything around us into a gray mist that in the most extreme cases turns into depression along with other variables.

The hard part is that by being a habit, we have become accustomed to it, and it is not so easy to remove it again. To do this  , we need to start noticing our way of thinking. It is inevitably linked to the way we talk about ourselves and judge ourselves. Furthermore, turning your attention to what you want will also be a tool that allows you to call forth the light in the thick gray mist.

To blame others for everything

Blaming others for what happens to you is to avoid taking responsibility  for your own actions and even your own feelings. In this way, you tell yourself that you are not in control of your own life and that it is others or the circumstances themselves that control you.

It is necessary to remember that  you have control over yourself and only you have the answers to what is happening to you.  The famous pilot and religious leader, Dieter Uchtdorf, once said,  “The older we get, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances do not really matter or determine our happiness.”

Joy is an attitude. If you decide to blame others for what is happening to you, instead of being aware of what you can do to move forward, it will be difficult for you to achieve joy.

Trying to be someone you are not

You can live your life and try to be yourself. On the contrary, you can try to be the person others want you to be. You decide. But it will  clearly fail your own essence to try to be who others want you to be. Think about it. How can you be happy if you are not yourself? 

Wearing a mask is double-sided. It is a trap that in time will push you away from yourself and who you think you are.  Therefore, find yourself, learn to accept yourself, love yourself, and show yourself who you are; This is the only way your relationship with yourself and others will be authentic.

4. To compare yourself with others

Comparing ourselves to others will not do any good. For we are all unique and irreplaceable and have had different experiences.  Their story, yours and mine have nothing to do with each other. So why compare ourselves? To comfort ourselves or to believe that we are better? What is the goal we are striving for?

Comparing different experiences makes no sense since there are not the same conditions for different people.

My joy can be very different from that of my friend. So will it turn me into a happy human being if I do what he does? Ask yourself: What is joy for me? This way you can figure out how to act. Gratitude is the cure for comparison  and the best medicine to achieve joy. Write down the things that make your life amazing every day. Write things down as small as they are… it will make you happy.

5. Not to learn from mistakes

Mistakes can be our best teachers if we want to learn from them.  If we make a mistake, but we let it happen without reflecting on what happened and what we can learn from it, something similar will probably happen to us again.

To understand this way of thinking, just follow the words that Thomas Edison once said to a journalist who asked him about his invention of the light bulb:  “I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work. ”  So you can see that  with perseverance and good deeds, mistakes and mistakes are just part of the road to success.

Thinking negatively, blaming others, putting on a mask, comparing ourselves or not learning from our mistakes are just 5 habits that may have negative effects on our emotional stage. It happens almost without us noticing them. Although they keep us from being happy.

Joy is within us. We are the ones who can create it and promote its development. Do not forget this. Notice your habits and change them if necessary.

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