3 Essential Elements To Be More Determined

We spend all day making decisions. Whether they are simple or complex, important or banal, this process can be overwhelming. What are the crucial elements to be more determined?
3 essential elements to be more decisive

It is true that some people tend to make decisions based on doubt. For that reason, they feel immersed in deep anxiety that keeps them from thinking clearly. However, that is not the way it should be. The crucial elements for being more determined are related to tactics to neutralize the incredibly common tendency to doubt and rethink.

It is perfectly healthy to weigh different options. This is especially the case when you need to solve a problem with important implications. However, there will come a time when you may have to cross the border. All of a sudden, you are not able to make a healthy assessment of things. Instead, you end up pondering it over and over again.

In some people, the constant doubt is more apparent. Many times, this tendency to think about things over and over again before making a decision leads to inactivity. With a blink of an eye, you realize that life itself has made the decision for you.

The consequences of this are not pleasant. Is it possible to get out of this terrible and vicious circle? What are the crucial elements to be more determined? Read on to find out!

1. Avoid basing your decisions on the end result

The first crucial element to becoming more determined is related to changing focus. It is quite common to focus on the possible end result when assessing the options available to one. That way, one completely forgets to think about the process that leads to this result.

Therefore, the problem is poorly expressed. First of all, because one’s judgment is fundamentally wrong. In other words, one cannot anticipate one’s own reality, no matter how much one would like it. It is important to understand that the consequences of your actions are subject to many more factors than your own will.

To become more determined, the first thing you need to do is admit that you can not be in 100 percent control in all situations. Every choice is a rate – not a security. That said, the most important thing is to focus on the evidence you have now and accept this uncertainty.

Woman pondering something

2. Limit your opportunities to be more determined

Another great strategy to help you become more determined is to limit your options. It is convenient to delimit some parameters when you have to make a decision. If you do not set any boundaries, a continuous and overwhelming flow of ideas and emotions can take place. This can undoubtedly paralyze you.

First, you need to limit your options. That means you have to set a deadline for them. If you leave the conclusion of the process open, you may end up postponing it forever until reality decides for you. Take a look at this simple example.

You do not know if you should buy a blue or green jacket. One day you go to the store and see that the green jacket is no longer available. That’s why you go for the blue. That is why it is essential to set time limits. 

Second, keep in mind that the decision-making process is primarily a process of getting rid of opportunities. It is not about adding more and more options, but about sorting them out. If you find that one of the alternatives is weak, do not put more effort into this. They just have to rule it out.

Young man thinking

3. Detach yourself from the situation

In these cases, one of the most paralyzing factors is the great emotional burden that accompanies the decision-making process. Many times we allow fear and anxiety to take over without us even noticing it. If you do not think you can remain objective when it comes to making a decision, this may not be the best time to make it.

Obviously, decisions involve not only cognitive aspects but also emotional ones. Being more determined is not about waiting until you experience no emotions (you will basically end up waiting forever).

Instead,  learn to deal with very intense emotional states  when solving a problem. If you do not, you may see the situation in a blurred and disturbed way.

That said, it is most appropriate to step into a relaxed state before confronting issues. A good technique is to imagine that someone else is asking you for advice on this matter. Write it down in a letter, write it to yourself and answer it.

In conclusion, it is important to set aside the idea that is perfect for a decision. In fact, what often perpetuates doubt is our search for an alternative where everyone wins. However, this is very unlikely as there are wins and losses in any decision.

All decisions involve resignation  to a greater or lesser extent. To make your decision-making process more optimal, you need to accept that uncertainty will always be a part of it.

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