3 Emotional Wounds From The Past

Emotional wounds from the past can slow you down in life. They usually keep you from growing and developing you in at least one aspect of your personality.
3 emotional wounds from the past

People say the past never stops happening and they are not mistaken. Every day of our lives is the fruit of what we carry on our backs. No matter how much you try to forget your awareness of certain things, they still have an impact on who you are today and who you become tomorrow. That is why it is so important to heal emotional wounds from the past.

Emotional wounds from the past are also similar to physical wounds. They heal and leave a scar. They leave a mark, but they never hurt again. Except that if you do not treat them properly, they will just continue to cause problems. They may reopen or even get worse.

Many people think that it is enough to forget what happened. You fail to think about it or do nothing about it. But wanting it and doing it that way are two different things. The fact is, all your emotional wounds from the past will remain in your unconscious mind. Now let’s look at three emotional wounds that can hover over your life and pull you down.

1. Emotional wounds from the past related to self-esteem

There are times when your self-love is really put at risk due to past experiences. All the different forms of rejection lead to suffering. It does not matter what causes them. The truth is, it’s a kind of pain none of us are immune to.

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But when the rejection is consistent, happened at an early age, or came from those you love, then what you are dealing with is an emotional wound that is difficult to heal. Mocking, humiliation, devaluation, constant criticism and unreasonable accusation are all really harmful to the one who is in the role of the recipient.

Blows to your self-love are the kind of emotional wounds of the past that can weigh you down your whole life. There are some strokes that you can never completely cure. But if you treat them properly, you can always make a difference. They do not have to diminish your confidence, self-confidence and optimism in life.

2. Emotional wounds that have to do with independence

Emotional wounds associated with independence occur in situations where someone is too controlling over you. What usually happens is that someone with power over you uses that power arbitrarily. But in doing so, they do a lot of damage to your personal sense of independence.

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These wounds come from any action that seeks to limit your freedom and ability to make decisions. They occur when someone regularly corrects you and punishes you for unclear reasons.

They can also occur when someone constantly disapproves or makes you responsible for things down to the smallest detail. Finally, it can happen when someone treats you as useless or incompetent.

These kinds of emotional wounds from the past can make it difficult for you to take initiative or make decisions about certain things. They can make you submissive and passive. Or on the other hand, they can make you extremely rebellious for no apparent reason.

3. Emotional wounds related to lack of love

The deepest emotional wounds of the past are those related to lack of love. These happen when someone has been abandoned, pushed away emotionally or shut out. The main people who cause such wounds are parents. They do so while raising their children.

The truth is that they may have been victims of the same things themselves, but then they repeat the cycle with their own children, without even realizing it.

Wounds related to lack of love can make people feel very alone much of the time. This happens especially when they feel vulnerable. It makes them think that no one sees them as important. It also gives them the idea that no one understands them or that no one accepts them.

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These wounds from lack of love can also have major consequences for anyone who suffers from them. The biggest is that they sometimes become extremely dependent on others.

They have a constant need for external approval. They are also constantly trying to please everyone and will often completely forget themselves. Their mood is also very fluctuating and they are always dependent on the attitudes of others at that time.

All these emotional wounds from the past can slow you down in life. They usually keep you from growing and developing you in at least one aspect of your personality.

That is why it is so important to deal with the past experiences that have such a huge impact on your daily life. It is a process that makes you think about what has really happened and how it has affected you.

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